保安的英文 保安用英語怎麼說?
security guard n.保安;門衛
security personnel 安保人員;安全人員;保安人員
常用 權威
1. 保安隊
security troops; peace preservation corps [as hired and maintained by warlords, the Kuomintang, or the Japanese aggressors in former times in China]
2. 保安員
security guard; security personnel
3. 保安規程
safety regulations
4. 一名保安
a security guard
5. 保安開關
safety cutoff
6. 保安車
security van
7. 確保安全執行
ensure safe operation
8. 確保安全生產
ensure safety in production
1. 製造商負責確保安全,並對事故負責。
Manufacturers take responsibility for ensuring safety and are liable for accidents.
2. 每天晚上7點起,一名保安人員守衛著這家商店。
A security worker had guarded the store each night from 7 p.
3. 為確保安全在賽道周圍的監管員。
Stewards positioned around the track as a fail-safe.
4. 通常為暗色調的英國保安人員服裝。
The usually sober attire of British security service personnel.
5. 昨天的儀式上保安措施很嚴密。
Security was tight at yesterday's ceremony.
6. 我有一支保安隊作為後備力量。
I've got a security force as back-up.
7. 保安部隊享有免予起訴的法律豁免權。
The security forces enjoy legal immunity from prosecution.
8. 在阻止襲擊時一名保安被殺。
A security guard was killed trying to stop a raid.
9. 保安人員把他們摔到地上。
The security guards wrestled them to the ground.
10. 休息廳裡的保安人員甚至還要神氣活現。
The security people in the foyer were even more officious.
保安指保衛治安,是一個職業工種。 其主要職責為防火、防盜、保護人身安全。透過保安人員的工作實施來保障固定區域內的安全,正常工作秩序、治安秩序,防範於未然。
保安族是中國人口較少民族之一,民族語言為保安語,屬阿爾泰語系蒙古語族,由於和周圍漢族、回族長時期的交往,保安語中漢語藉詞較多,通用漢文,以漢文作為社會交往的工具。 “保安”系本族自稱。保安族聚居的大河家地方,散居在臨夏回族自治州其它各縣和蘭州市以及青海、新疆等地。 根據《中國統計年鑑-2021》,中國境內保安族人口數量為24434人。
動詞 ensure public security
1. 做好社會保安工作
do a good job in maintaining law and order
2. 保安措施/條例
security measures/rules
3. 保安車
security van
4. 保安部門/部隊/公司
security service/forces/company
動詞 ensure safety (for workers engaged in production)
1. 保安開關
safety cutoff
2. 保安規程
safety regulations
名詞 security guard; security personnel
1. 一名保安
a security guard