掃墓的英文 掃墓用英語怎麼說?
pay tribute to a dead person at his tomb
常用 權威
1. 掃墓活動
grave-sweeping activity
1. 清明節那天,很多人前去掃墓,憑弔死者。
On the day of Pure Brightness, many people went sweeping the graves to do the dead homage.
2. 我們起一個大早,以趕回南部掃墓。
We got up very early to sweep a tomb in the south.
3. 清明節是掃墓拜祭先人的日子。
The Qingming Festival in spring is the occasion for visiting ancestral graves.
4. 人們應該去掃墓和上香,以紀念他們的祖先。
People should go to clean graves and light incense in memory of their ancestors.
5. 四月五日,人們掃墓並向過世的人表達敬意。
People pay respects to the dead and clean the graves on the 5th of April.
6. 隨著時間的推移,寒食節被清明掃墓所代替了。
Over time, Hanshi Day was replaced with tomb-sweeping day.
7. 他每年都去掃墓.
Year after year he visits the grave.
8. 到掃墓結束時,旭日的光芒從東邊山頭後照射出來。
By the time they finished, morning light glowed behind eastern peaks.
9. 每逢清明節,所有公墓裡滿是紛紛來掃墓祭祀的人。
On each Qingming Festival, all cemeteries are crowded with people who came to sweep tombs and offer sacrifices.
10. 在四月五號,家家都要去祭拜祖先,為離世的親人掃墓。
Families will visit their ancestors' graves and clean up the tombs during the Qing Ming Festival which falls on April 5.
掃墓(tomb sweeping,拼音:sǎo mù),中國文化傳統,是指到墓地祭祀祖先,表達祭祀者的孝道和對先人的思念之情,屬於禮敬祖先、慎終追遠的一種文化傳統。 按照習俗,一般在上午出發掃墓,掃墓時,人們要攜帶酒食果品、紙錢等物品到墓地,修整墳墓、培添新土、清除雜草,將食物供祭在祖先墓前,再將紙錢焚化,然後叩頭行禮祭拜。中國人受傳統文化心理的影響,有著強烈的家庭觀念,尤其重視家族、祖先,對祖先的崇拜、返本歸宗的意識特別濃厚,祭掃祖先的墳墓是對先人的特殊緬懷方式。
動詞 pay tribute to a dead person at his tomb
1. 去烈士陵園掃墓
go to the revolutionary martyrs'cemetery to pay one's tribute
2. 掃墓活動
grave-sweeping activity