書寫的英文 書寫用英語怎麼說?
write v.寫;書寫;寫…給;寫作;編著;用文字形式表達;寫入;承保;寫字;函告
常用 權威
1. 書寫紙
writing paper; writing pad
2. 書寫符號
graphic symbol
3. 書寫工具
writing instrument
4. 文書寫作
essay writing
5. 書寫自如
write with facility
6. 書寫疏漏
slip of the pen
7. 書寫板
writing board
8. 用鋼筆書寫
write in pen
9. 用鉛筆書寫
write with a pencil
1. 它比字母書寫系統使用更廣泛。
It is more widely in use than alphabetic(字母的) writing systems.
2. 你應該在答題紙上工整地書寫。
You should write neatly on the ANSWER SHEET.
3. 墨棒是用於書寫和繪畫的顏料。
The ink stick is the pigment(顏料)used in writing and painting.
4. 如果他們喜歡中國書寫,他們可以學習書法。
If they like Chinese handwriting, they can learn calligraphy.
5. 首先,書寫的發明可能在大約在 5500 年前。
First, came the invention of writing, probably about 5500 year ago.
6. 如今,漢字書寫系統仍然是中國文化的重要組成部分。
Today, Chinese writing system is still an important part of Chinese culture.
7. 商務電子郵件不應該使用非正式的、縮寫的文字來書寫。
Business emails should not be written using informal, shortened forms of words.
8. 他給我留下了深刻的印象,並給了我重新拿起筆(書寫)的靈感。
He left a deep impression on me and give me the inspiration to pick up my pen again.
9. 原程式是按自由區段格式書寫的。
The source program is written in a free field format.
10. 他的書寫潦草得一塌糊塗。
His handwriting is a wretched scrawl.
書寫(英文:write),讀音shū xiě,漢語詞語。指寫,抄寫。也指抄書小吏。例句有“養成良好的書寫習慣對我們來說很重要”。 相關古文有“或文字稍多,其家無力繕寫,即官為委官,以官用傭寫字人書寫校正。”出自宋代曾鞏《史館申請三道札子》。反義詞有撰寫、謄寫、謄錄。
動詞 write
1. 這鋼筆書寫流暢。
The pen writes smoothly/well.
2. 書寫錯誤
clerical error/mistake
3. 在紙的正反兩面書寫
write on both sides of the paper
4. 用鉛筆書寫
write with a pencil
5. 書寫自如
write with facility
6. 書寫工整
have a clear/good/legible/neat handwriting
7. 書寫潦草
have an awful/illegible handwriting