經受的英文 經受用英語怎麼說?
undergo v.經受;遭受;忍受
experience n.經歷;感受;經驗;給人留下印象的事
withstand v.經受;承受;頂住;抵住;對抗;反抗
sustain v.支援;支撐;忍受;經受(不愉快的事情;尤指傷痛);認可;贊成;確認;保持;使持續不斷;(演員)充分表演(角色
stand v.站立;站;坐落於;位於;處於特定狀態;抵擋;抵禦;當候選人;參加競選;擔任…裁判員;請…吃喝;為…付賬
weather n.天氣;自然力;惡劣天氣;上風面;向風側
常用 權威
1. 經受住暑熱
withstand summer heat
2. 經受住炎熱
withstand intense heat
3. 經受住衝擊
withstand a shock
4. 經受磨難
go through ordeals
5. 經受災難
endure disaster
6. 經受金融風暴
weather the financial storms
7. 經受嚴格檢驗
stand a severe proof
8. 經受時間考驗
stand the test of time
9. 經受很多苦難
undergo much suffering
10. 經受各種風險
withstand all kinds of hazards
11. 經受住大風的襲擊
ride out the gale
12. 經受風吹雨打
be exposed to the elements
13. 經受風吹浪打的鍛鍊
be forged by hardships
14. 經受嚴格的考驗
stand a severe test
15. 經受炮火的洗禮
experience the baptism of gunfire
16. 經受艱難困苦的磨鍊
go through hardships and tribulations
17. 經受多次暴風雨的襲擊
weather many a storm
18. 在鬥爭中經受鍛鍊
be tempered in the struggle
1. 科學主張將經受質疑。
Scientific claims will survive challenges.
2. 她在兩週內先後經受了兩次手術。
She underwent two successive operations in two weeks.
3. 這種作品經受不住時間的考驗。
This kind of works couldn’t stand the test of time.
4. 世界正經受著嚴重的經濟蕭條。
The world was suffering from an intense economic depression.
5. 很顯然,他是個經受過風吹雨打的人。
It’s obvious that he has suffered hardships.
6. 這些壁畫經受了時間的磨洗。
These frescoes had been worn away over the years.
7. 這座橋經受住了地震的考驗。
This bridge has stood up to the test of an earthquake.
8. 如果你經受了幾次挫折,不要絕望。
Don't despair if you have a few knockbacks.
9. 他正經受著這種毒品的後效的折磨。
He was suffering the after-effects of the drug.
10. 空運過程中經受低氣壓測試的樣品。
Samples submitted to low pressure while being airfreighted.
【詞目】:經受 【拼音】:jīng shòu 【詞性】:動詞 【 中文解釋】:承受; 禁受:~考驗ㄧ~多次打擊。 【 英文解釋】:stand; met with ; subjected to; (v) endure through; stand up to; stood; undergoing; undergo 【 近義詞】:承受
動詞 undergo; experience; withstand; sustain; stand; weather
1. 這種作品經受不住時間的考驗。
This kind of works couldn't stand the test of time.
2. 世界正經受著嚴重的經濟蕭條。
The world was suffering from an intense economic depression.
3. 在鬥爭中經受鍛鍊
be tempered in the struggle
4. 經受住大風的襲擊
ride out the gale
5. 經受嚴峻的考驗
withstand/stand severe tests; experience severe trials
6. 經受磨難
go through ordeals
7. 經受離婚的痛苦
go through the traumas of divorce
8. 經受金融風暴
weather the financial storms
9. 經受各種風險
withstand all kinds of hazards
10. 經受多次暴風雨的襲擊
weather many a storm