飲食的英文 飲食用英語怎麼說?
food and drink 食物和飲料;食物和飲品;食品飲料
diet n.飲食;日常食物;日常飲食;國會;議會;低糖的;特定飲食;規定飲食;低脂的;日常事務;固定不變的活動
常用 權威
1. 飲食業
catering trade/industry/service
2. 飲食店
café; eating house; snack bar
3. 飲食學
dietetics; sitology
4. 低熱量飲食
low-calorie diet
5. 低脂飲食
low-fat diet
6. 增加飲食
increase diet
7. 限制飲食
be on a restricted diet
8. 高蛋白飲食
high-protein diet; protein-rich diet
9. 變換飲食
vary the diet
10. 減少飲食
reduce diet
11. 飲食服務
catering service
12. 飲食習慣
dietary habit
13. 飲食結構
dietary structure
14. 講究飲食
keep a good table
15. 改變飲食
change diet
16. 飲食無度
indulge one's appetite to excess
17. 飲食考究
have a delicate palate
18. 飲食療法
diet cure;dietotherapy; diet therapy; food therapy; dietary treatment
19. 飲食豐富
be luxurious in diet
20. 飲食調勻
balanced diet
1. 他們通常對自己的飲食習慣保密。
They usually keep their eating habits a secret.
2. 有些人為了減肥而停止正常飲食。
Some stop eating properly in order to lose weight.
3. 首先,你必須更加註意你的飲食。
First, you have to pay more attention to your diet.
4. 中國和法國都熱衷於烹飪和飲食。
China and France are both keen on (熱衷於) cooking and eating.
5. 它唯一的責任就是提供飲食建議。
Its sole responsibility for providing dietary advice.
6. 健康飲食的基本要素也沒有爭議。
Nor are the basic elements of healthy eating disputed.
7. 合理選擇飲食是控制體重的關鍵。
Choosing what to eat and drink is key to weight control.
8. 恐怕我們必須嚴格限制你的飲食。
I'm afraid we have to put you on a strict diet.
9. 注意人們不要重複單一的飲食。
See that people don't stick to the same diet.
10. 療養院的一個大問題是病人的飲食。
One big problem at the sanitarium was the patients' diets.
名詞 food and drink; diet
1. 低熱量飲食
low-calorie diet
2. 飲食習慣
dietary habit
3. 飲食文化
cooking/catering culture
4. 飲食衛生
dietetic hygiene
5. 飲食結構
dietary structure
6. 飲食標準
dietary standard
7. 飲食豐富
be luxurious in diet
8. 飲食不進
neither eat nor drink; refuse food
9. 注意飲食
watch one's diet
10. 增加飲食
increase diet
11. 節制飲食
go on a diet; be abstemious in eating and drinking
12. 講究飲食
keep a good table
13. 減少飲食
reduce diet
14. 規定飲食
prescribe a diet
15. 改變飲食
change diet
16. 保持均衡飲食
maintain a balanced diet
動詞 eat and drink
1. 飲食無度
indulge one's appetite to excess
2. 飲食起居
eating, drinking and living
3. 飲食考究
have a delicate palate