轉彎的英文 轉彎用英語怎麼說?
turn v.轉動;旋轉;轉變;變成;開始做;捲入;涉及;車削;求助於;翻轉
corner n.角;隱僻處;偏遠處;角球;踢角球;場角;街角;拐角;壟斷;絕路;囤積居奇
turning n.轉彎處;岔道口;車削;車工工藝;車削下腳;削屑
常用 權威
1. 急轉彎
sharp turn
2. 腦筋急轉彎
brain-teaser; brain-twister
3. 跑道轉彎處
bend of a race course
4. 上升轉彎
pull-up turn
5. 迴轉彎頭
return bend
6. 右轉彎標誌
lane arrow for turning right
7. 禁止紅燈右轉彎
no (right) turn on red
8. 轉彎抹角地談某個問題
talk round a subject
1. 它在天空中作了一連串急轉彎。
It made a series of sharp turns in the sky.
2. 他被迫急轉彎以避開一根漂浮的樹枝。
He was forced to turn sharply to avoid a floating tree branch.
3. 人們對最高速度、轉彎能力和加速度大驚小怪。
People made the fuss about top speeds, cornering ability and acceleration.
4. 在最高速度、轉彎能力和加速度等方面小題大做。
For all the fuss made about top speeds, cornering ability and acceleration.
5. 從轉彎處吹來的穿堂風使多餘的書頁從架子上掉了下來。
The draft wind from the turn caused the spare pages to fall off the stand.
6. 有什麼就痛快說,別轉彎抹角的。
Don’t beat about the bush. Be frank with me.
7. 這條路轉彎抹角的,可難走了。
It’s hard to find one’s way along this road because it’s full of twists and turns.
8. 汽車轉彎抹角地開進了村子。
The car zigzagged into the village.
9. 別跟我轉彎子,要什麼就說。
Don’t beat about the bush. Just tell me what you want.
10. 務必記住,急轉彎前要減速。
Remember to throttle down before you go round a sharp corner.
動詞 turn; make a turn/turning/sweep; turn a corner
1. 右轉彎走!
Right wheel! (to a rank) / Right turn march! / Column right march! (to a column)
2. 我的車轉彎很平穩。
My car corners well.
3. 這條路在那兒向東轉彎。
The road turns east/makes a turn to the east at that place. / The road bends there to the east.
4. 向左轉彎
make a left turn; turn left
5. 急/慢轉彎
sharp/shallow turn
6. 轉了一個大彎
make a great sweep/bend
7. 來一個180度的大轉彎
make a 180-degree turn; do an about-face
動詞 turn about/around; pursue a new course; change one's view
1. 他感到太突然,一時轉不過彎兒來。
He was not ready to accept it yet; for it took him too much by surprise.
2. 給某人一個轉彎的餘地
give/allow sb some leeway
名詞 corner; turn; turning
1. 這條路有不少急轉彎。
The road makes many abrupt/sharp/sudden turns.
2. 我們走到第一個轉彎處。
We came to the first turn/turning/bend in the road.