常規的英文 常規用英語怎麼說?

General 更新 2025-02-20



convention n.準則;慣例;國際協議;公約;大會;會議;社會習俗;得體行為;約定;政黨代表大會

common practice 慣例;常規;共同做法

rule n.規則;條例;細則;尺;直尺;計算尺;統治;原則;法則

routine n.慣例;固定程式;例行公事;日常工作;程式;固定節目;固定順序;一套固定舞步;例行程式

beaten track 因循守舊;熟路;慣例

常用 權威



1. 常規賽

regular season game

2. 常規尿分析

routine urinalysis

3. 常規程式

conventional programme

4. 常規化驗

routine test

5. 常規賽季

regular season; normal playing season

6. 常規炸彈

conventional bomb;conventional bomb

7. 常規裝置

conventional equipment

8. 違反常規

depart from routine

9. 常規部隊

conventional forces

10. 常規能源

conventional sources of energy

11. 常規潛艇

conventional submarine

12. 常規檢查

routine examination/inspection/physical check-up

13. 常規記憶體

conventional memory

14. 遵照常規

observe the conventional practice

15. 逾越常規

depart from the norm

16. 常規裁軍

conventional disarmament

17. 常規彈頭

conventional warhead

18. 常規分析

routine analysis

19. 常規武器

conventional weapon;conventional weapons/arms

20. 常規軍備

conventional armament


1. 遠端醫療可以取代常規的醫療保健。

Telemedicine can take the place of usual health care.

2. 陷入常規會使一個人變得非常令人討厭。

Falling into a routine can turn a person into an utter bore.

3. 他們打破常規,因為\自動駕駛就是死亡\。

They break routines, because \autopilot is death\.

4. 9月到5月的夏季常規賽在河灣音樂廳舉行。

Regular season runs September through May at Music Hall in summer at Riverbend.

5. 該節目全年開放,幷包含在常規動物園門票中。

This show is open year round and included with regular Zoo admission.

6. 你的許可證上沒有公章,這太不合常規了。

But there is no official stamp on your permit; this is most irregular.

7. 該作曲家的一些更偏離常規的和聲。

The composer's more outré harmonies.

8. 常規治療對這些症狀可能不起作用。

These symptoms may be unresponsive to conventional treatment.

9. 孩子的不符合社會常規的行為。

Children's antisocial behaviour.

10. 簡單的批准或否決這類報告不合常規

It is not general practice to confirm or deny such reports.



常規(英文:routine),讀音cháng guī,漢語詞語,指的是通常的規則、一般的規則,也指日常奉行的規則。例句有“政府稱克隆動物產的肉和奶和常規產品一般無二”。 相關古文有“其所試賦,則準常規;詩則依齊梁體格。”出自唐代範攄《云溪友議》卷二,相關近義詞有慣例、相例、通例,反義詞有變例。



名詞 convention; common practice; rule; routine; beaten track; established customs

1. 有常規必有例外。

There is no rule without an exception.

2. 按照常規

in the usual course; according to conventional practice

3. 按常規行事

follow the common practice; follow the old routine; follow the ordinary rules; do sth according to routine; do sth in accordance with the conventions

4. 按常規思考

think in a groove

5. 常規做法

conventional/general practice

6. 常規裝置

conventional equipment

7. 常規工作

routine job/work

8. 常規程式

conventional programme

9. 遵照常規

observe the conventional practice

10. 因襲常規

follow the common practice; follow the old routine; be stuck in the old grooves; fall into a rut

11. 無視常規

disregard the conventions; disregard the established rules

12. 違背常規

go against/violate the established rules; run counter to conventions

13. 符合常規

conform to conventions; accord with the routine; be stuck in the old grooves

14. 打破常規

break (with) conventions; break out of a routine/rut; break up a routine; break the normal procedure; break out of the groove; go off/leave the beaten track

名詞 routine; routine method

1. 化驗血/尿常規

have a routine blood/urine test
