廉價出售的英文 廉價出售用英語怎麼說?
on sale 供出售, 上市, 削價出售
sale n.賣;出售;廉價出售;賤賣;銷售;拍賣;銷售額;銷售量;義賣;銷售活動
undersell v.以低於…價格出售;低價出售;促銷不足
常用 重點詞彙
1. 這地方要廉價出售。
The place was going for a song.
2. 他決定廉價出售一部分滯銷存貨.
He decided to sell off some of the less promising stocks.
3. 清場大減價, 所有商品廉價出售
Checkup of warehouse . all goods marked down.
4. 其次,假冒偽劣產品通常廉價出售。
Secondly fake and inferior products are usually sold on the cheap.
5. 展出商品會廉價出售也是有原因的。
There's a reason display items are sold cheaper.
6. 商店裡剩下的所有產品都以廉價出售.
All of the products left in the shop went for a song.
7. 這件綠毛衣正廉價出售。
The green sweater is (on sale) .
8. 我們的書正在廉價出售。
We're selling books on sale.
9. 你穿什麼尺碼的?這些連衣裙都在廉價出售。
What size do you wear? These dresses are on sale.
10. 屋主將房屋廉價出售.
The owner sacrificed his house.
on sale; bargain away; sale; undersell