試卷的英文 試卷用英語怎麼說?
test/examination paper
常用 權威
1. 列印試卷
print a test paper
2. 一份試卷
an examination paper
3. 出試卷
set a test paper
4. 筆答試卷
written examination paper
5. 分發試卷
hand out examination papers
6. 審閱試卷
look through a test paper
7. 交試卷
hand in an examination paper
8. 密封試卷
seal up test papers
9. 高考試卷
college entrance examination test paper
10. 給試卷評分
grade papers
11. 密封的試卷
sealed test papers
12. 給試卷判分
grade the papers
13. 批改過的試卷
corrected test paper
14. 在試卷上作答
answer on the examination paper
1. 凱茜非常仔細地檢查了她的試卷
Cathy checked her paper carefully enough so that she could get good grades this time.
2. 不管怎樣,在試卷上,我已經寫下了傑克遜先生在課堂上說的話。
Anyway on the test paper, I had written down what Mr. Jackson said in class.
3. 試卷已經評定完畢。
The examination papers have all been marked.
4. 我們必須做一份三小時的試卷。
We had to sit a three-hour paper.
5. 考官有幾百份試卷需要評分。
The examiner may have hundreds of scripts to mark.
6. 他在做試卷並且不希望別人抄襲他的答案。
He was doing an exam and didn't want anybody to crib the answers from him.
7. 很多試卷和家庭作業甚至有答案。
Many exams and homework assignments even include the answers.
8. 我花了整個上午的時間批改試卷。
I spent the whole morning correcting exam papers.
9. 他還未做完試卷,下課鈴就響了.
Hardly could he finish his test paper when the school bell rang.
10. 考生不能把試卷和答卷紙帶出考場。
Candidates can not take the papers and the answer sheets out of examination rooms.
英文名: examination paper test paper 是一些紙張或電子版,在紙張或電子版上印有考試組織者為檢測接受考試者學習情況而設定的、並規定在一定時間內需完成的一些題目。 也可以是資格考試中用以檢驗考生能力進行篩選人才的工具。 詳細解釋
名詞 test/examination paper
1. 地理/歷史試卷
geography/history paper
2. 在試卷上作答
answer on the examination paper
3. 審閱試卷
look through a test paper
4. 批改試卷
grade/mark papers
5. 交試卷
hand in an examination paper
6. 列印試卷
print a test paper
7. 出試卷
set a test paper
8. 一份試卷
an examination paper