沒趣的英文 沒趣用英語怎麼說?
dull adj.乏味的;單調的;呆板的;不鮮明的;晦暗的;無光澤的;愚鈍的;愚蠢的;笨的;昏暗的
uninteresting adj.引不起興趣的;乏味的
常用 權威
1. 他這個人不識相,自討沒趣。
He was tactless and got the snub that he deserved.
2. 我到總辦事處去,結果自討沒趣。
I went to the General office, and ate dirt.
3. 海報也許是最具創意和最沒趣
The movie posters are maybe the most creative and the less ones…
4. 我能去上班順便自討沒趣了嗎?
Can I please go to work and humiliate myself now?
5. 他想要吻她,她頓時讓他自討沒趣.
He tried to kiss her but she quickly puthim in his place.
6. 這本書真沒趣,我讀到一半便放棄了。
I gave up reading it half-way through.
7. 她很會讓那些給她出難題的人自討沒趣。
She know how to score off people who ask difficult question.
8. 錢伯斯:你可以說沒趣嘛!
Chambers: You could say no!
9. 腦筋正常的人是不會說切爾西很沒趣的。
No-one in their right mind can claim that Chelsea were boring.
10. 下雨使今天變得很沒趣。
The rain makes today an unhappy day.
形詞 dull; uninteresting
形詞 feeling awkward; feeling put out; feeling snubbed