壓的英文 壓用英語怎麼說?

General 更新 2025-02-03


press v.壓;榨;擠;壓平;熨平;竭力要求;堅持;強調;徵用;臨時使用

cover v.蓋;覆蓋;遮蓋;處理;涉及;包括;論及;足以支付;夠支付;掩蓋;掩飾;用槍瞄準;蓋打;轉錄;翻錄;模仿演唱;與…交配

envelop v.包;裹;封;遮蓋;籠罩;包圍

suppress v.鎮壓;阻礙發展;禁止活動;抑制;禁止(資訊的)傳播;阻止;部分消除;自覺抑制

quell v.終止;鎮壓;平息;征服;使緘默;壓制;抑制;消除

subdue v.剋制;抑制;控制;制服;征服;使屈服;使順從

control n.影響力;控制;支配;指揮;管理;對照;指揮員;控制措施;管理辦法;指揮部

restrain v.抑制;遏制;限制;阻止;剋制;剝奪…的行動自由;管押;監禁;縛住

keep calm 冷靜;保持鎮定;沉住氣

calm down 冷靜下來

outdo v.勝過;超過;比…做得更好

conquer v.擊敗;征服;攻佔;戰勝;破除;克服;成功地攀登;博得(一個人或一群人)的喜愛

approach v.接近;靠近;找…商談;找… 商量;向…接洽;著手處理;臨近(未來時刻;未來事件);臨近;數量(或質量)上接近(某一數字;某種水平

draw near 靠近;臨近;走進

gain on 勝過;逼近;沖刷

close in on 接近;包圍

lay aside 撇開;丟開;擱置

pigeonhole n.小房間;鴿捨出入口;鴿棚;分類架

shelve v.把(物件;尤指書)放上架子;裝架子於;漸漸傾斜;向下傾斜;擱置;暫緩考慮

stake n.樹樁;標樁;籬笆樁;火刑柱;摩門主教管轄區;賭本;賭注;利益;縱向基杆;經條

pressure n.壓力;壓迫;影響;壓強;壓迫感;影響力

常用 權威



1. 腦脊液壓

cerebrospinal pressure

2. 壓敏電阻器

voltage-dependent resistor; piezoresistor

3. 壓氣焰

humble sb's pride

4. 壓花布

dacian cloth

5. 壓制品


6. 輥壓鋼板

rolled sheet steel

7. 輥壓淬火

rolled hardening

8. 均壓母線

equalizing bus bar

9. 均壓開關

equalizing switch


1. 敵軍向我們的陣地過來了。

The enemy troop was bearing down on our position.

2. 責任重重地在他的身上。

His responsibilities pressed heavily upon him.

3. 烏雲從西邊過來了。

A mass of dark clouds are converging quickly above us from the west.

4. 這事一直在我心上。

This has weighed heavily on my mind. / This lies on my heart.

5. 這份報告被了半年。

This report was pigeonholed/shelved for six months.

6. 別拿大帽子我。

Don’t intimidate me by unwarranted charges.

7. 群眾是不服的。

The public cannot be compelled to submit.

8. 我的提包不得。

My bag won’t stand much weight.

9. 太陽樹梢了。

The setting sun is touching the treetops.

10. 這箱子怕

The chest won’t stand much weight.


拼音: yà,yā 筆劃: 6 部首: 廠 部外筆畫: 4 五筆輸入法: dfyi 倉頡: MGI  鄭碼: GGBS   筆順編號: 131214  四角號碼: 71213  UniCode: CJK 統一漢字 U+538B




動詞 press; hold/push/weigh down

1. 這任務是從上面壓下來的。

The task is imposed from above.

2. 責任重重地壓在他的身上。

His responsibilities pressed heavily upon him.

3. 工作壓得我們透不過氣來。

We are swamped with work.

4. 我的提包壓不得。

My bag won't stand much weight.

5. 你的胳膊壓著孩子了。

You're resting your arm on the baby.

6. 累累的果實壓彎了樹枝。

The branches were bowed by/under the weight of fruit hanging in clusters.

7. 用手指壓住血管止血

constrict a blood vessel with fingers to stop bleeding

8. 用石子把塑膠紙壓住

hold the plastic sheeting down with some stones

9. 把子彈壓進彈匣

press the cartridges into the magazine

動詞 cover; envelop

1. 我有點冷,給我再壓床被子。

I'm feeling a bit cold. Pull another quilt over me.

2. 暮色壓下來了。

Twilight is enshrouding the earth.

動詞 suppress; quell; subdue

1. 他又用頂頭上司的意見來壓我了。

He is again trying to coerce me into submission with the proposals of our immediate superior.

2. 困難壓不倒我們。

No difficulties can overwhelm/subdue us. / We will not collapse under the pressure of the difficulties.

3. 合理的要求被壓下去了。

Reasonable demands have been suppressed/killed.

4. 別拿大帽子壓我。

Don't intimidate me by unwarranted charges.

5. 壓而不服。

Coercion will never result in convincing people.

6. 以勢壓人

overwhelm people with one's power

7. 樹正氣,壓邪氣

encourage healthy trends and check unhealthy ones

動詞 control; restrain; keep calm; calm down

1. 這個形勢下只有你能壓住陣腳。

Only you can control the situation now.

2. 一提起這事,我就壓不住心頭的激動。

I can't restrain my excitement whenever this is mentioned.

3. 吃點藥壓壓咳嗽。

Take some medicine to ease the cough.

4. 把嗓門壓得很低

lower one's voice to a hiss

5. 壓著怒火

hold one's anger in leash; control/leash/subdue one's anger; hold back one's rage

動詞 prevail/win over; outdo; conquer

1. 在上半場比賽中,我們在比分上一直壓著對方。

Throughout the first half of the game, our team was ahead of our opponents in scores.

動詞 approach; draw near; gain on; close in on

1. 烏雲從西邊壓過來了。

A mass of dark clouds are converging quickly above us from the west.

2. 太陽壓樹梢了。

The setting sun is touching the treetops.

3. 敵軍向我們的陣地壓過來了。

The enemy troop was bearing down on our position.

動詞 lay aside; pigeonhole; shelve

1. 這事一直壓在我心上。

This has weighed heavily on my mind. / This lies on my heart.

2. 工作壓了一大堆。

Work has piled up.

3. 這份報告被壓了半年。

This report was pigeonholed/shelved for six months.

4. 貨壓在倉庫裡。

The goods have piled up in stock.

動詞 take a risk on sth; stake

1. 他把自己的前途壓到這次考試上。

He risks his future on the result of this exam.

名詞 pressure

名詞 (of liquid, blood, atmosphere, etc) pressure

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