感到的英文 感到用英語怎麼說?
feel v.覺得;感到;經受;感受;相信;有一個…印象;認為;同情;憐憫
sense n.官能;感覺;判斷力;見識;智慧;含義;意義;指向;方向;意識
perceive v.認識到;意識到;理解;把…看作;認為;感覺;察覺;看出
become aware of 逐漸瞭解;覺察到;逐漸意識到
常用 權威
1. 感到驚恐
be terrified (at sth)
2. 感到悲觀
feel pessimistic
3. 感到難過
feel sorry
4. 感到疲勞
feel fatigued
5. 感到鬱悶
feel depressed
6. 感到憂鬱
suffer melancholy
7. 感到精疲力竭
feel drained of energy
8. 感到不耐煩
feel impatient
9. 感到恐慌
feel scared; be terrified
10. 感到孤悽
feel lonely and dreary
11. 感到難堪
be embarrassed (at)
12. 感到委屈
feel wronged
13. 感到羞慚
be ashamed of oneself
14. 感到安全
feel secure
15. 感到意外
be taken by surprise
16. 感到恐怖
feel horror
17. 感到困惑
feel puzzled
18. 感到噁心
be sick at the stomach
19. 感到悲哀
feel sad (about sth)
20. 感到倦怠
feel languor
1. 這可能會讓我們感到孤立和無能。
It may make us feel isolated and incompetent.
2. 流行音樂能讓人感到快樂和舒適。
Pop music can make people feel happy and comfortable.
3. 然而,我越看,我就越感到困惑。
However, the more I watched, the more puzzled I became.
4. 每次看到遊輪,我都會感到難過。
Every time I see a cruise ship, I feel sad.
5. 最後,他為撞倒這棵樹感到羞愧。
At last, he felt ashamed to knock the tree over.
6. 在開始之前,您可能會感到失敗。
You may feel defeated before beginning.
7. 他因犯了這麼多錯誤而感到慚愧。
He felt ashamed of making so many mistakes.
8. 大明感到不舒服,他請了一天假。
Daming felt sick and he asked for one day off.
9. 你可能會感到心跳加速或臉變紅。
You might feel your heart racing or your face turning red.
10. 我為這份沒人要的工作感到自豪。
I took pride in the job nobody wanted.
動詞 feel; sense; perceive; become aware of
1. 我感到她在取笑我。
I sensed that she was making fun of me.
2. 她感到丈夫不再愛她。
She felt that her husband no longer loved her.
3. 母親為自己的女兒感到驕傲。
The mother took pride in her daughter.
4. 對家庭生活感到厭倦
be tired of family life; find family life a bore
5. 感到自己錯了
sense/realize one's mistake
6. 感到厭惡
be disgusted (by); take a disgust (at)
7. 感到欣慰
be satisfied (with)
8. 感到十分難堪
feel utterly humiliated
9. 感到飢餓/傷心/生氣
feel hungry/sad/angry
10. 感到沮喪
feel frustrated
11. 感到噁心
be sick at the stomach
12. 感到不耐煩
feel impatient