實施的英文 實施用英語怎麼說?
put into effect 生效;付諸實踐;落實
implement n.工具;器具;履行
enforce v.強制執行;實施;強制履行;強迫;強加;迫使;竭力使人接受
carry out 完成, 執行;開展, 進行, 履行
常用 權威
1. 實施者
2. 實施法規
enforce a statute
3. 付諸實施
put sth into effect
4. 實施方案
executive plan;carry out a project
5. 實施逮捕
conduct an arrest
6. 實施令
enforcement ordinance
7. 實施電療
administer electrotherapy
8. 明令實施
implement by official order
9. 實施機構
enforcement body
10. 實施條例
enforcement regulations
11. 實施細則
enforcement regulations; rules for implementation
12. 分期實施
implement by stages
13. 批准實施
be approved for enforcement
14. 實施程式
implement procedures
15. 實施階段
implementation phase
16. 實施日期
date of enforcement
17. 實施新規定
enforce a new regulation
18. 擬訂實施辦法
work out implementation measures
19. 安裝實施規範
installation performance specification (IPS)
20. 將此建議付諸實施
carry the proposal into execution
1. 學校沒有足夠的能力實施任何干預。
Schools are inadequately equipped to implement any intervention.
2. 良好禮儀教育專案已經被很好地實施。
A project of good manners education has been well carried out.
3. 廣告商願意實施DNT(禁止追蹤)。
Advertisers are willing to implement DNT.
4. 政府應採取嚴格措施實施垃圾分類政策。
The government should take strict measures to carry out garbage sorting policy.
5. 無法實施他們的商業計劃。
Inability to implement their business plans.
6. 在2020年之前實施。
Carry it out before the year of 2020.
7. 而且,他們實施提供資金以減少用水的計劃。
What's more, they carry out programs that offer money to reduce water use.
8. 世界上一些地區已經成功地實施了計劃生育。
Some parts of the world have seen successful implementation of family planning.
9. 參議院財政委員會批准的一項法案付諸實施。
A bill approved by the Senate Finance Committee would implement.
10. 實施新規則的一個動機是增強銀行家的責任感。
One motive in imposing the new rule is to enhance banker's sense of responsibility.
實施(英文:implement),讀音shí shī,漢語詞語,指的是實際的行為、實踐,也指實際施行。例句有“新措施實施後,員工的工作效率有了很大提升”。 相關古文有“有德行而後有政事、文學,非德行則政事、文學亦不成矣。是德行者,虛位也;言語、政事、文學者,實施也。”出自明代李贄《序》,相關近義詞有落實、履行、實行,反義詞有引申、解釋執行。
動詞 put into effect; implement; enforce; carry out
1. 命令於七月一日實施。
The order comes into force on July 1.
2. 暫不實施這項規定
suspend this regulation
3. 檢查政策的實施情況
check up on the implementation of the policy
4. 監督憲法的實施
supervise the enforcement of the constitution
5. 付諸實施
put sth into effect
6. 實施戰略/政策
implement a strategy/policy
7. 實施計劃
act/carry out a plan; execute/implement a plan; set a plan on foot
8. 實施合同
carry out/execute/fulfil a contract
9. 實施改革
initiate/introduce a reform
10. 實施方案
carry out a project
11. 實施法律/規定
enforce law/regulations
12. 實施程式
implement procedures