忽視的英文 忽視用英語怎麼說?
ignore v.不顧;不理;無視;忽視;忽略
overlook v.忽視;忽略;看漏;俯視;眺望;監督;用邪惡的眼睛施魔法於;不理會;寬恕;寬容
neglect v.忽視;忽略;疏忽;疏漏;漏做
常用 權威
1. 忽視細節
overlook a detail
2. 漸漸被忽視
fall into neglect
1. 它對企業的負面影響經常被忽視。
Its negative effects on businesses are often overlooked.
2. 不要忽視疫情期間活動的好處。
Don't overlook the benefits of activity during the pandemic.
3. 拼寫、語法和標點符號不應被忽視。
Spelling, grammar and punctuation should not be overlooked.
4. 退休人員的心理健康被忽視了。
The mental health of retirees is overlooked.
5. 她忽視了公共交通工具的各種好處。
She ignores the various benefits of public transport.
6. 她忽視了人們在動物保護方面的努力。
She neglects people's efforts in animal protection.
7. 它忽視了代表左撇子的運動。
It has ignored campaigns on behalf of the left-handed.
8. 快時尚產業忽視了可持續性。
The fast-fashion industry ignores sustainability.
9. 很難忽視社交媒體作為一種篩選工具。
It's hard to ignore social media as a screening tool.
10. 他們忽視了肥胖的潛在原因。
They overlook the potential causes of obesity.
動詞 ignore; overlook; neglect
1. 我們不應忽視這樣的事實,即仍有不少人生活在貧困線以下。
We must not lose sight of the fact that there are still people living below the poverty line.
2. 漸漸被忽視
fall into neglect
3. 不可忽視的力量
force not to be ignored; force to be reckoned with