衝突的英文 衝突用英語怎麼說?

General 更新 2025-02-21



conflict n.意見不一;爭論;武裝衝突;牴觸;武裝鬥爭;戰爭;衝突;矛盾

clash n.對抗;衝突;顏色搭配不當;不湊巧;刺耳的金屬碰撞聲;不和;體育賽事

collide v.碰撞;衝突;牴觸

contradict v.否定…的真實性;反駁;自相矛盾;相悖;駁斥;與…矛盾;與…牴觸

strife n.衝突;爭吵;爭鬥;不和;困難;恥辱;紛爭

常用 權威



1. 激烈衝突

clash violently (with)

2. 戲劇衝突

dramatic conflict

3. 文化衝突

cultural conflict;clash of culture

4. 解決衝突

resolve the conflict (between)

5. 導致衝突

lead to a conflict

6. 法律衝突

conflict of laws

7. 思想衝突

conflict of thoughts

8. 家庭衝突

domestic conflict; family strife

9. 結束衝突

end a conflict

10. 防止衝突

prevent a conflict

11. 利益衝突

conflict of interests

12. 利害衝突

conflict of interests

13. 貿易衝突

trade conflict

14. 面臨衝突

face conflicts (with)

15. 暴力衝突

violent conflict

16. 系屬衝突

conflict of dependency

17. 武裝衝突

armed/military clash/conflict

18. 消解衝突

resolve a conflict

19. 相互衝突

conflict with each other

20. 國內衝突

civil conflict


1. 這引發了科技巨頭之間的衝突

It caused conflicts among tech giants.

2. 這減少了團隊成員之間的衝突

It reduces conflict among team members.

3. 拉喬佩咖啡館今晚的選單上有衝突

Conflict is on the menu tonight at the café La Chope.

4. 他們經常發現自己與同事發生衝突

They often find themselves in confrontation with their colleagues.

5. 他們不是這樣;有時他們會起衝突

They don't; sometimes they clash.

6. 澄清存在分歧或衝突的領域。

Clarify areas of disagreement or conflict.

7. 緩解種族和階級之間的衝突

Ease conflicts between races and classes.

8. 引起僱主和僱員之間的衝突

It causes conflicts between employers and employees.

9. 這與我需要如何訓練才能達到目標相衝突

That conflicted with how I needed to train to reach my goals.

10. 他們看不懂劇中的衝突

They can't follow the conflicts in the show.



衝突是指個體或群體發覺其他人已經或即將做出與他們自己利益不相符的行動的過程。 衝突的主要原因有錯誤歸因、不良的溝通、誇大對方和自己的觀點差異,最有效的解決衝突的方法是談判和高階協調目標。


《衝突》是由西德尼·呂美特執導,阿爾·帕西諾、John Randolph、F·莫里·亞伯拉罕、Jack Kehoe等主演的電影,於1974年2月26日在義大利上映。 影片講述了法蘭克成為臥底警察,但他不願意收受賄賂,這種做法使他身陷危機的故事。



動詞 conflict; clash; collide

1. 相互衝突

conflict with each other

2. 激烈衝突

clash violently (with)

動詞 contradict; clash; collide

1. 我們兩個地方都想去,但日程有衝突。

We wanted to visit both places, but the dates clashed.

2. 他們的意見總是衝突。

Their opinions always jar/conflict.

名詞 conflict; clash; strife

1. 小衝突天天有。

Minor conflicts are of daily occurrence.

2. 沒有發生衝突。

No conflict occurred.

3. 我們雙方之間的利益發生了衝突。

Their interests come into collision with ours. / Their interests clashed with ours.

4. 直接衝突

immediate/direct collision

5. 正面衝突

head-on collision/conflict/clash

6. 武裝衝突

armed conflict/strife/clash; clash of arms

7. 文化衝突

clash of culture

8. 思想衝突

conflict of thoughts

9. 貿易衝突

trade conflict

10. 流血衝突

bloody conflict/clash; sanguinary collision

11. 利害衝突

clash/conflict of interests

12. 勞資衝突

conflict between employers and workers; labour conflict

13. 軍事衝突

military/warlike conflict

14. 家庭衝突

domestic conflict; family strife

15. 激烈衝突

sharp conflict; bitter/serious/violent clash

16. 個性衝突

personality conflict/clash

17. 感情衝突

collision of sentiments/feelings

18. 地區/經濟衝突

regional/economic conflict

19. 邊界衝突

border conflict/skirmish/clash

20. 引起衝突

breed/precipitate a conflict; cause/create strife

21. 煽動/挑起衝突

incite a clash; stir up/provoke a conflict

22. 面臨衝突

face conflicts (with)

23. 解決衝突

resolve the conflict (between)

24. 結束衝突

end a conflict

25. 防止衝突

prevent a conflict

26. 導致衝突

lead to a conflict

27. 避免衝突

avert/avoid a clash (with); ward off/avoid a collision (with); avoid a conflict
