火焰的英文 火焰用英語怎麼說?
flame n.火焰;火苗;火焰般的事物;熱情;激情;火紅色;令人熱血沸騰的事業;火焰狀的東西;火焰般熾熱明亮的東西
常用 權威
1. 眾人拾柴火焰高
the flames rise high when everybody adds fuel to it—the more people, the more strength; many hands make light work
2. 熄滅火焰
knock down the flame
3. 火焰噴射器
flame thrower
4. 火焰中心
flame kernel
5. 噴出火焰
jet out flames
6. 火焰光譜
flame spectrum
7. 血紅的火焰
sanguine flames
8. 撲不滅的火焰
unquenchable fire
1. 週一晚上,消防隊員奮力阻止火焰到達鐘樓。
Firefighters battled to stop flames reaching its bell towers on Monday evening.
2. 紅色的花朵,像燃燒的火焰
The red flowers, blooming like burning fire, light up her world.
3. 我們曾經試圖燒掉這些化學品,觀察火焰的顏色。
We once tried to burn the chemicals and watch the colors of the flames (火焰).
4. 他又看了一眼,發現那輛壞了的車下面冒出了火焰。
One more look and he noticed flames shooting out from under the disabled vehicle.
5. 數百名遊客和巴黎人站在那裡,看著火焰從屋頂上滾落。
Hundreds of tourists and Parisians stood and watched the flames leaping from the roof.
6. 王說,以他自己的經驗來看,輸球確實點燃了激勵人心的火焰。
For his part, Wang said that in his own experience, losing did light a motivating fire.
7. 我一揭開蓋子,火焰就竄了上來。
No sooner had I removed the lid than the flames flared up.
8. 復仇的火焰在他胸中燃燒。
A desire for vengeance was burning within him.
9. 他的來信又重新燃起了她心中愛情的火焰。
His reply rekindled the flames of love in her heart.
10. 燒瓶不能直接接觸火焰。
The flame cannot touch the flask directly.
名詞 flame
1. 我一揭開蓋子,火焰就竄了上來。
No sooner had I removed the lid than the flames flared up.
2. 他的來信又重新燃起了她心中愛情的火焰。
His reply rekindled the flames of love in her heart.
3. 火焰燒得正旺。
A lively blaze was under way.
4. 火焰沖天。
The fire blazed high into the air.
5. 撲不滅的火焰
unquenchable fire
6. 火焰中心
flame kernel