包裝的英文 包裝用英語怎麼說?
pack n.一小盒;一小紙盒;一小包;獸群;熱敷袋;冰袋;揹包;一夥;一幫;一套檔案
wrap v.包;裹;覆蓋;包紮;纏繞;使換行;完成拍攝;停機;換行;抱
encase v.把…裝入盒內;包起;圍住;裹住
package n.紙包;盒;箱;程式包;包裝袋;包裝盒;小盒;全包旅遊;小包;一攬子(或一整套)建議
wrappings n.包裝材料;(wrapping的複數)
常用 權威
1. 包裝費
packing charge
2. 包裝紙
packing/wrapping paper; wrapper
3. 內包裝
4. 包裝工
5. 包裝箱
packing box/case/carton
6. 包裝機
7. 包裝業
packing industry/service
8. 包裝多樣化
diversified packing
9. 軟包裝牛奶
soft-packaged milk
10. 出口包裝
export packing
11. 包裝結實
be compactly packed
12. 綠色包裝
green package
13. 防水包裝
waterproof packing
14. 小包裝食品
pouch-packed food
15. 軟包裝飲料
drinks in soft packages
16. 包裝檢驗
packing inspection
17. 包裝成本
packing cost
18. 禮品包裝
gift packing;gift packaging
19. 包裝規格
packing specifications
20. 包裝清單
packing list/slip
1. 樸素的包裝可以勸阻非吸菸者吸菸。
Plain packaging discourages non-smokers from taking up smoking.
2. 乘務員會在第一時間開啟包裝。
The attendants will open the packets at once.
3. 包裝紙會讓你的禮物看起來更漂亮。
Wrapping paper will make your gift look (look) more beautiful.
4. 如果你的禮物是包裝好的,不要驚訝。
Don't be surprised if your gift is wrapped.
5. 例如,包裝食品通常不在農貿市場出售。
For example, packed foods usually are not sold at farmers' markets.
6. 我們需要能在倉庫分揀和包裝物品的人。
We need people who can work at our warehouse (倉庫) sorting and packing items.
7. 許多食品包裝袋被空運到地球的另一邊。
Many food packages are flown halfway across the earth.
8. 根據包裝重新分類香菸。
Reclassify cigarettes according to packaging.
9. 補貼企業採用簡樸包裝。
Subsidies companies to adopt plain packaging.
10. 當你買禮物時,賣家通常會幫你包裝禮物。
When you buy a gift, the seller usually helps (help) you wrap the gift.
動詞 pack; wrap; encase; package
1. 這件衣服可以摺疊包裝而不起皺。
The dress packs without creasing/wrinkling.
2. 真空包裝
vacuum pack
3. 商業包裝
commercial packing
4. 防水/海運/普通包裝
waterproof/seaworthy/customary packing
5. 內包裝
6. 出口包裝
export packing
7. 包裝效能
properties of packing
8. 包裝檢驗
packing inspection
9. 包裝多樣化
diversified packing
10. 包裝成本
packing cost
11. 包裝精美
be attractively packaged
12. 包裝結實
be compactly packed
動詞 package; present in an attractive way
1. 他被包裝成慈善家。
He was packaged as a philanthropist.
2. 被包裝為純情少女
be packaged as a pure and innocent girl
名詞 package; packings; wrappings
1. 壓縮包裝
compression packing
2. 密封的包裝
airtight package
3. 禮品包裝
gift packing
4. 包裝新穎美觀
fashionable and attractive packing
5. 設計包裝
design the package