敏捷的英文 敏捷用英語怎麼說?
agile adj.敏捷的
nimble adj.靈活的;敏捷的;敏銳的;機智的
quick adj.快的;迅速的;急速的;匆匆的;理解得快的;反應快的;學得快的;聰明的;有才智的;短暫的
常用 權威
1. 應答敏捷
be quick at repartee
2. 思想敏捷
have an agile mind
3. 才思敏捷
be quick in thought;be of keen/sharp intellect; have a ready/facile imagination
4. 敏捷機智
be quick-witted and sagacious
5. 反應敏捷
be quick in response
1. 黃蜂敏捷地飛下來,突然叮了獅子一下。
Thinking quickly, Wasp flew down and gave Lion a sudden sting.
2. 技術創新更重視敏捷性。
Technological innovation places greater value on agility (靈活性) .
3. 雜技演員動作敏捷,觀眾驚歎不已。
The agility of the acrobats amazed and thrilled the audience to wild shouts of praise.
4. 他雖說已是老態龍鍾,但思路依然清晰敏捷。
Although he is old and doddering in manners, he is agile and alert in mind.
5. 他們勇敢而敏捷地跳上了防波堤。
They leapt with fearless agility to the jetty.
6. 他曾是個動作十分敏捷的爭球前衛。
He used to be a very nippy scrum half.
7. 瑪撒快滿百歲了,卻敏捷得像只跳蚤。
Martha's approaching her century and as wick as a flea.
8. 這些敏捷、焦躁不安的鳥兒。
These quick, nervous birds.
9. 反應敏捷是他最大的優點。
Quick reflexes were his chief assets.
10. 一場難分難解的比賽的最敏捷的一步棋。
The most incisive move of a tight match.
敏捷(英文:quick),讀音為mǐn jié,漢語詞語。意思指反應(多指動作或言行)迅速快捷。如敏捷地跳上敞篷車,敏捷地翻身上馬,敏捷地躲過攻擊。出自《漢書·酷吏傳·嚴延年》“延年為人短小精悍,敏捷於事。” 近義詞有迅速、快捷、靈活等。反義詞有緩慢、遲鈍、笨拙等。相關古文有:“寶玉見寶琴年紀最小,才又敏捷。”出自《紅樓夢》的第五十回。
敏捷 戰鬥機印度自行研製的第一種國產超音速噴氣戰鬥機“敏捷”
形詞 agile; nimble; quick
1. 敏捷機智
be quick-witted and sagacious
2. 行動敏捷
be agile/quick in action/movement
3. 思想敏捷
have an agile mind
4. 反應敏捷
be quick in response
5. 才思敏捷
be quick in thought