佈置的英文 佈置用英語怎麼說?
fix up 修好;固定;修補
arrange v.整理;使有條理;排列整齊;安排;改編;解決;事先安排;提前達成協議
decorate v.裝飾;裝潢;授給獎勵;油漆
assign v.分配;分派;指定;撥出;留出;轉讓;指派;委派;把… 歸屬於;把…歸因於
常用 權威
1. 佈置雅緻
tastefully arranged; elegantly furnished
2. 交錯佈置
staggered arrangement
3. 浴室佈置
bathroom layout
4. 佈置新房
decorate the bridal chamber;decorate the bridal chamber
5. 佈置櫥窗
window-dress; dress a window
6. 佈置展品
arrange exhibits
7. 佈置房間
furnish a room
8. 佈置舞臺
set the stage (for)
9. 佈置習題
assign exercises
10. 佈置傢俱
arrange the furniture
11. 佈置業務學習
make arrangements for professional study
12. 佈置得很美觀
be artistically decorated
13. 佈置各種練習
set various exercises
14. 在大門周圍佈置衛兵
set guards around the gate
1. 四年級的一天,老師在課堂上給我們佈置了一個課題。
One day in fourth grade, our teacher gave us a project in class.
2. 這些地區70%的教師佈置的家庭作業需要接入網際網路。
70% of teachers in these areas assign homework that requires Internet access.
3. 然後,他們要求人們按照禮儀規則與 Pepper 一起佈置餐桌。
They then asked people to set the dinner table with Pepper according to etiquette rules.
4. 屋子不大,佈置得倒是挺有品位。
The room is not big, but it’s tastefully furnished.
5. 客廳雖然不很大,但佈置得很典雅。
The drawing room is not very big but is elegantly decorated.
6. 為慶祝國慶,我們把禮堂佈置得花團錦簇。
We decorated the auditorium in a gorgeous way for the National Day celebrations.
7. 客廳佈置得樸實而雅緻。
The sitting room is arranged simply but elegantly.
8. 房間佈置得很漂亮。
The room is beautifully decorated. / The room is attractively furnished.
9. 屋子佈置得很講究。
The house was tastefully furnished.
10. 臥室佈置得很溫馨。
The bedroom was cosily furnished.
佈置 bùzhì (1) [fix up;arrange]∶陳設 佈置展品 (2) [make arrangements for;assign]∶根據某種需要對場所、活動、人員等做出安排 佈置一週的業務學習和文體活動 (3) [furnish]∶給住所配置傢俱或器具 佈置一個房間
動詞 fix up; arrange; decorate
1. 房間佈置得很漂亮。
The room is beautifully decorated. / The room is attractively furnished.
2. 佈置雅緻
tastefully arranged; elegantly furnished
3. 佈置展品
arrange exhibits
4. 佈置新房
decorate the bridal chamber
5. 佈置會場
fix up a place for a meeting
動詞 assign; make arrangements for; give instructions about
1. 給學生布置一篇半小時內完成的作文
set a half-hour thesis for the students
2. 佈置業務學習
make arrangements for professional study
3. 佈置任務/家庭作業
assign tasks/homework
4. 佈置各種練習
set various exercises