年老的英文 年老用英語怎麼說?
old adj.年老的;過去的;以前的;…歲的;從前的;老的;古老的;陳舊的;熟悉的;舊時的
aged adj.… 歲的;…年 紀的;古老的;老的;老化的;超過成熟年齡的
常用 權威
1. 年老多病
be old and frail
2. 年老無用
outlive one's usefulness
3. 少年老成
young but steady;have an old head on young shoulders;young person lacking in vigour and drive; old young person
4. 陳年老賬
long-standing/old debt;things long past; sth that happened a long time ago
5. 年老昏聵
lose one's wits with age
6. 年老色衰
lose one's charm with years
7. 年老體衰
be decrepit with old age; be worn out with age; be old and infirm
8. 年老的爺爺
aged grandfather
1. 虛弱常隨年老而來。
Infirmity often comes with old age.
2. 我們不是因為年老而停止玩樂,我們是因為停止玩樂才變老。
We don’t stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.
3. 我希望年老時還能不依賴他人。
I wanted to remain independent in old age.
4. 男女都會變得年老體弱。
Old age and infirmity come to men and women alike.
5. 兒子們習慣於在父母年老的時候照顧他們。
[no obj., with infinitive]sons wont to nurse their Parents in old age.
6. 儘管年老體衰,他仍不失為一位偉大的領導者。
He remains a great leader despite age and infirmity.
7. 女王和藹可親地慰問年老的病人。
It is gracious of the queen to speak to the elderly patients.
8. 她年老還是年輕,那都無關緊要.
It matters not a farthing whether she be old or young.
9. 年輕的一代應該尊重年老的一代。
The younger generation should respect the older generation.
10. 年老的聖人已經獲得了梵天知識.
The rishis of old attained the Knowledge of Brahman.
年老,拼音nián lǎo,意思是年紀大的。
形詞 old; advanced in age/years; aged
1. 年老多病
be old and frail
2. 年老的爺爺
aged grandfather