有關的英文 有關用英語怎麼說?

General 更新 2025-03-14



have something to do with 與…有關;與…有關係

concern v.涉及;關於;使擔憂;使煩惱;使不安;關心;影響;關係到;從事;喜愛

pertain to 涉及;有關;屬於

related adj.屬於同一家族的;關聯的;有關係的;有因果關係的;有關聯的

concerned adj.擔心的;不安的;煩惱的;憂慮的

relevant adj.緊密相關的;切題的;適宜的

pertinent adj.切題的;相關的;中肯的;貼切的

常用 權威



1. 有關問題

related problem

2. 有關部門

department concerned

3. 有關人員

person(s) concerned

4. 有關規定

pertinent regulations

5. 有關當局

proper authorities; authorities concerned

6. 有關事項

relevant issues

7. 會商有關部門

consult departments concerned

8. 商談有關事宜

discuss relevant matters

9. 與吸菸有關

be linked to smoking

10. 有關裁軍的文獻

disarmament literature

11. 與周圍環境有關

be related to one's environment

12. 編選出版有關論文

compile and publish related theses

13. 同有關部門協商

consult with the departments concerned

14. 對有關各方有利

benefit every side concerned

15. 從有關方面探悉

learn from those concerned

16. 研究物理及有關學科

study physics and related subjects


1. 海報提供了有關英語課程的資訊。

The poster gives information about English courses.

2. 撒謊可能與無法抵抗誘惑有關

Lying may have to do with the inability to resist temptation.

3. 有關航天旅行計劃的國際條約。

International treaties regarding space travel programs.

4. 所有併發症都與血管損傷有關

All the complications relate to damage to blood vessels.

5. 自願兼職的問題與奧巴馬醫改有關

The issue of voluntary part-time relates to Obamacare.

6. 它可以揭示有關受保護特徵的資訊。

It can reveal information about protected characteristics.

7. 錢的數量與你和這個人的關係有關

The amount of money is relative to your relationship to the person.

8. 他從未發表與科學有關的發現。

He never published discoveries connected with science.

9. 撒謊的另一個原因與自我保護有關

Another reason for lying has to do with self-protection.

10. 熱量的攝入與一個人吃零食的量有關

Calorie consumption is linked to the amount of snacks one eats.



動詞 have something to do with; have a bearing on; concern; pertain to

1. 這些問題與我們所有的人都有關。

These problems concern all of us.

2. 這些事實與這個案件有關。

These facts pertain to the case. / These facts bear on the case.

3. 炸彈事故可能與這次衝突有關。

The bomb mishap could be linked with the conflict.

4. 成本與花在工作上的時間直接有關。

The cost relates directly to the amount of time spent on the job.

5. 與吸菸有關

be linked to smoking

6. 與周圍環境有關

be related to one's environment

形詞 related; concerned; relevant; pertinent

1. 他也許掌握著與本案有關的情況。

He might have information that has a bearing on the case.

2. 他對有關的人講了。

He spoke to the people concerned.

3. 律師想知道一切有關的細節。

The lawyer wanted to know all the pertinent details.

4. 邀請有關方面前來參加會議

invite the concerned parties to the meeting

5. 研究物理及有關學科

study physics and related subjects

6. 有關問題

related problem

7. 有關規定

pertinent regulations

8. 有關方面

parties concerned/involved

9. 有關當局

proper authorities; authorities concerned

10. 有關部門

related agency; relevant department; department concerned
