名譽的英文 名譽用英語怎麼說?
fame n.名望;名聲
honour n.尊敬;敬意;特殊榮譽;貞節;名譽;大牌;正直;氣節;光榮的人;榮耀
repute n.名聲;聲望;美譽
renown n.名望;聲譽
good name 好名字;好名聲;良好名聲
reputation n.名聲;名譽;美名
honorary adj.榮譽的;名譽的;義務的;有榮譽頭銜的
emeritus adj.榮譽退職的;退休後保留頭銜的
常用 權威
1. 名譽權
reputation right
2. 保護名譽
guard one's reputation
3. 名譽教授
professor emeritus; emeritus professor
4. 家庭名譽
family honour
5. 名譽主編
editor-in-chief emeritus
6. 名譽學位
honorary degree;honourary degree
7. 名譽院士
honorary academician
8. 保全名譽
preserve one's reputation
9. 恢復名譽
rehabilitate sb's reputation;rehabilitate a person's reputation
10. 名譽掃地
be thoroughly discredited
11. 博得名譽
make a reputation
12. 挽回名譽
salvage sb's reputation
13. 敗壞名譽
tarnish sb's reputation
14. 名譽領事
honorary consul
15. 澄清名譽
clear one's name
16. 名譽會員
honorary member
17. 名譽損害賠償
indemnity for defamation
18. 名譽損失賠償
indemnity for defamation
19. 為金錢出賣名譽
sell one's honour for money
1. 這部分包括與一個人的身體、健康、姓名和名譽有關的法律。
This part includes laws that relate to one's body, health, name, and fame.
2. 他一時糊塗,做下不名譽的蠢事。
He made the dishonourable blunder in a muddle-headed moment.
3. 現今有些人寧願用名譽換取金錢。
Nowadays some people would rather exchange fame for wealth.
4. 清華大學擬聘他為名譽教授。
He was offered a honorary professorship at Tsinghua University.
5. 對於這一點,我用名譽擔保。
To this I pledge my honour.
6. 他用他父親的名譽牟利。
He trades on his father’s reputation.
7. 他被授予名譽博士學位。
He had an honorary doctorate conferred upon him.
8. 該女孩的名譽因惡意的流言蜚語而受到汙衊。
The girl’s reputation has been defiled by malicious gossips.
9. 他的名譽完好無損。
His honour remained intact.
10. 為了詆譭她的名譽,有人不停地往她身上潑髒水。
Someone has kept throwing mud at her in order to vilify her reputation.
名譽,漢語詞語,出自《墨子·修身》:“名不徒生,而譽不自長,功成名遂。名譽不可虛假,反之身者也。”北魏·楊炫之 《洛陽伽藍記·崇真寺》:“宣明少有名譽,精經史。”指名望與聲譽;榮譽、光榮。社會對特定的公民的品行、思想、道德、作用、才幹等方面的社會評價,集中體現了人格尊嚴。客觀公正的社會評價可以使人們得到精神上的滿足,有良好名譽者不僅可以獲得社會的更多尊重,還可獲得經濟效益。
名詞 fame; honour; repute;renown;good name;reputation
1. 對於這一點,我用名譽擔保。
To this I pledge my honour.
2. 家庭名譽
family honour
3. 名譽好
have a good reputation; be of high repute; be held in high esteem
4. 以名譽擔保
pledge one's honour; give one's word of honour; upon one's word of honour; stake one's reputation (on sth)
5. 為金錢出賣名譽
sell one's honour for money
6. 使某人名譽掃地
discredit sb thoroughly; drag sb's reputation through mud
7. 挽回名譽
salvage sb's reputation
8. 損害名譽
destroy/tarnish sb's reputation
9. 破壞名譽
damage/sully/spoil sb's reputation
10. 恢復名譽
rehabilitate sb's reputation
11. 顧全名譽
save sb's reputation; have regard for sb's reputation
12. 玷汙名譽
smear/taint one's reputation
13. 澄清名譽
clear one's name
14. 敗壞名譽
tarnish sb's reputation
15. 愛惜名譽
treasure/cherish one's reputation
形詞 honorary; emeritus
1. 他被授予名譽博士學位。
He had an honorary doctorate conferred upon him.
2. 名譽主席
honorary chairman/president
3. 名譽主編
editor-in-chief emeritus
4. 名譽學位
honorary degree
5. 名譽教授
professor emeritus; emeritus professor
6. 名譽公民/顧問/會員
honorary citizen/advisor/member