定期的英文 定期用英語怎麼說?
periodic adj.間歇的;週期(性)的;時而出現的;元素週期表的;元素化學效能變化週期的;完整句的
regular adj.恆定的;規則的;經常的;頻繁的;符合手續的;正當的;尋常的;通常的;慣常的;規則變化的;正的;呈放射狀對稱的
dated adj.陳舊的;過時的;有日期的
time n.時;時間;時刻;規定時間;可用時間;所用時間;次;回;乘以;…倍;拍子;節拍
常用 權威
1. 不定期報告
non-periodical report
2. 定期輪換
take turns with fixed interval
3. 定期體檢
a regular health checkup
4. 定期貸款
fixed/term/time loan; time money
5. 定期審計
periodical/periodic audit
6. 定期存單
time certificate;time deposit certificate; certificate of time deposit; time certificate of deposit
7. 定期債券
fixed-maturity bonds;term bonds; fixed-maturity bonds
8. 定期考核
routine check;routine check
9. 法定期限
legal term; statutory limitation; prescription
10. 定期股票
term share
11. 定期航班
scheduled flight
12. 定期證券
dated securities
13. 不定期貨船
tramp (vessel)
14. 定期清洗
periodic cleaning
15. 定期盤存
period inventory; periodic inventory
16. 定期貼現
time discount
17. 定期支付
time/periodic payment;be payable at fixed terms
18. 定期匯票
time draft;fixed/periodic/term bill; term/time draft; fixed term bill of exchange
19. 不定期檢查
casual inspection
20. 不定期刊物
non-periodical publication
1. 他們透過定期鍛鍊來增強力量。
They strengthen with regular exercise.
2. 透過給它們定期清洗和注射。
By giving them regular cleaning and injections.
3. 經過多年的定期治療,她恢復了健康。
After years of regular treatment, she became healthy.
4. 它定期向當地慈善機構捐款。
It donates regularly to a local charity.
5. 定期讀報是一個不錯的選擇。
Reading newspaper regularly is a good choice.
6. 為他們提供定期的在職培訓。
By offering them regular in-service training.
7. 定期進行身體和精神檢查。
Having regular physical and mental checkups.
8. 定期眨眼以保持眼睛溼潤。
Blink (眨眼) your eyes at regular periods to keep your eyes moist (溼潤的).
9. 也許令人驚訝的是,安排定期的閱讀時間。
Perhaps surprisingly, scheduling regular times for reading.
10. 定期改變其商業策略。
Change its business strategy periodically.
出處:晉·王羲之 《與尚書僕射謝安書》:“今事之大者未布,漕運是也。吾意望朝廷可申下定期,委之所司,勿復催下,但當歲終考其殿最。”《梁書·徐勉傳》:“僕聞古往今來,理運之常數;春榮秋落,氣象之定期。”
動詞 fix/set a time
形詞 periodic; regular
形詞 dated; time