踏青的英文 踏青用英語怎麼說?
tread the green grass—go on a spring outing; go hiking on a spring day
常用 權威
1. 初春,我們到郊外踏青.
We went to the suburbs for an outing in early spring.
2. 人們會去掃墓,表達他們對先人和死去愛人的感恩之情,或者去踏青。
People will sweep tombs to expresse their gratitude to their ancestors and deceased loved ones or go for an outing.
3. 本報訊南山植物園每到春季,各式各樣的植被和花海吸引了不少市民前往踏青。
Report from our correspondent every go to Nashan arboretum spring , sundry vegetation and beautiful sea attracted many citizens to head for go for a walk in the country in spring.
4. 每隔一段時間到林木茂盛的風景區踏青,可以令人體吐故納新、調和呼吸、陰陽協調。
If one often goes on an outing to a park with a lot of trees, one can breathe in fresh air and feel very comfortable.
5. 這次的清明節踏青給了我更多的感觸,還使我又一次瞭解了大自然柔美的一面,我的收穫好大啊!
The tomb sweeping day for an outing this time gave me more feeling, also make again I understand the feminine side of nature, I harvest is very big!
踏春(別稱春遊、遊春、探春),是中國傳統節日風俗。主要是指清明時節,人們結伴到郊外原野遠足踏青,並進行各種遊戲以及蹴鞠、盪鞦韆、放風箏等活動。 中國民間踏青習俗由來已久,傳說遠在先秦時就已形成,也有說始於魏晉。到宋代,踏青之風盛行。
動詞 tread the green grass—go on a spring outing; go hiking on a spring day