拼搏的英文 拼搏用英語怎麼說?
go all out 全力以赴;鼓足幹勁;奮發
常用 權威
1. 奮力拼搏
struggle on one's mettle
2. 頑強拼搏
struggle tenaciously
3. 拼搏精神
spirit of fighting relentlessly
1. 他們日夜奮戰,與洪水拼搏。
They went all out to fight against the flood day and night.
2. 你們的人和我們的精英拼搏
[no obj.]your men combated against the first of ours.
3. 如果奮力拼搏,他們仍有機會贏得冠軍。
They still have a fighting chance of clinching the title.
4. 他拼搏著不讓船偏離航向。
He battled to keep the ship on course.
5. 下週日盃賽第一個回合他們就要拼搏一番了。
They'll be slogging it out in the first round of the cup next Sunday.
6. 我看到那兒人們很有膽量,也看到了他們在奮力拼搏。
I saw a lotta courage out there, and a lotta hard work.
7. 他的坐騎和“旋律“頑強拼搏,終於以耐力取勝榮獲第二名。
His mount tenaciously outstayed Melody for second place.
8. 預計大約會有1,500名賽跑者將在今年的比賽中艱苦拼搏。
About 1,500 runners are expected to sweat it out in this year's run.
9. 在全體員工群策群力,頑強拼搏.
In all staff work , Indomi - table.
10. 在別人停止不前時,我繼續拼搏。
When others stop and do not move ahead, I will continue combating.
拼搏,讀音為pīn bó,漢語詞語,指全力搏鬥、拼命爭取。例句為“我國運動員在奧運賽場上奮力拼搏”。 相關句子有“獨有這蘭草、蘭花,帶著與洪水頑強拼搏後的疲勞與倦色,雖然減少了一些濃綠與濃香,卻顯得更鮮、更嫩、更加亮麗。”出自《人民日報》。相關近義詞為奮發、奮鬥、奮力,反義詞為頹廢。
動詞 struggle hard; exert oneself to the utmost; go all out; set at sth with a will
1. 他們日夜奮戰,與洪水拼搏。
They went all out to fight against the flood day and night.
2. 拼搏精神
spirit of fighting relentlessly
3. 勇於拼搏
have the courage to struggle against tremendous odds
4. 頑強拼搏
struggle tenaciously