送給的英文 送給用英語怎麼說?
send v.運送;傳送;郵寄;發訊息;使處於某種狀態;顛簸;上升
1. 最後,作者將完成的手稿發送給出版商。
Finally, the author sends the completed manuscript to a publisher.
2. 大量高質量的紙張被製作成禮物送給宮廷。
A large amount of high-quality paper was made as presents to the Court (宮廷).
3. 尼克在他母親四十歲生日時送給
Nick gave his mother a scarf on her fortieth birthday.
4. 康乃馨被認為是送給全世界母親的完美花朵。
Carnations are considered as the perfect flowers for mothers around the world.
5. 他的母親曾經送給他一袋郵票來鼓勵他集郵。
His mum once gave him a bag of stamps to encourage stamp collecting.
6. 我媽媽送給我這臺電腦作為我十六歲的生日禮物。
My mom gave me this computer as my sixteen birthday present.
7. 珍妮的祖父母在她14歲生日時送給她一塊手錶。
Jenny's grandparents sent her a watch for her fourteenth birthday.
8. 二維碼可以透過電子郵件、QQ和微信發送給郭先生。
The QR codes can be sent to Mr. Guo by email, QQ and WeChat.
9. 一些女孩甚至會在香囊上刺繡,作為送給情人的禮物。
Some girls would even embroider on a sachet (香囊) as a gift for their lovers.
10. 在火中烘乾許久過後,我們送給老師的禮物也就準備好了。
After being dried for a long time in the fire, our gifts for teachers were ready.
送給,讀音sòng gěi,是漢語詞語,意思為無償給予。