搬運的英文 搬運用英語怎麼說?
carry v.抬;搬運;運送;支撐;承載;具有;把(觀點;活動)推向;使延續;以多數同意批准;刊登;播送;廣播;可傳到
transport v.運輸;運送;輸送;將…流放到流放地;使…感覺置身於另一境地;使…充滿強烈情感
haul v.拖;拉;突然改變航道;費力前進;艱難地走;強迫…接受申斥;迫使…出庭受審;用力拉;拽
move v.動;移動;改變位置;改變狀態;進展;發展;在…中進行社交活動;動議;提議;使(腸)排空
常用 權威
1. 搬運車
removal van
2. 搬運工
porter (at a railway station); docker (at a seaport)
3. 搬運費
cartage; portage; moving expense; shifting charge; removal expense; haulage
4. 車站搬運工
railway porter
5. 搬運公司
removal firm; moving company
6. 搬運貨物
transport goods
7. 坑木搬運工
timber packer
8. 搬運彈藥
move ammunition
9. 油桶搬運車
drum handler
10. 搬執行李
carry luggage
11. 碼頭搬運工
docker; stevedore
12. 行李搬運工
porter; luggage handler
13. 搬運裝置
handling equipment/facility
1. 不適當地搬運重物會導致身體姿勢不佳。
Carrying a heavy load improperly can lead to poor body position.
2. 如果您願意,我可以把您的行李交給搬運工。
If you like, I can leave your bags with the porter.
3. 賬單里扣除了30元,作為搬運工造成的破損賠償費。
There was a deduction of 30 yuan from the bill for the damage caused by the movers.
4. 行李搬運工一臉不高興地離開了。
The porter left with a surly expression.
5. 他一直在旅館走廊上下搬運箱子。
He continued to hump cases up and down the hotel corridor.
6. 我們把這裡的一切都搬運走了。
We portaged everything here.
7. 每天早晨,岩石搬運工乘驢車去上班。
Each morning the rock-shifters travel by donkey cart to start work.
8. 我們從露營地搬運裝置。
We did a carry of equipment from the camp.
9. 自開的租用搬運車。
A self-drive removal van.
10. 那個搬運工是在她失蹤前見過她的最後一個人。
The porter was the last person to see her prior to her disappearance.
搬運(英文:carry),讀音bān yùn,漢語詞語,指的是把物品從甲地運送到乙地,也指搬動、運送。例句有“同學們來來往往,往山坡上搬運樹苗”。 相關句子有“若市草百萬團,則一方百姓自冬歷夏搬運不了,又妨奪農務。”出自《譚賓錄·裴延齡》,相關近義詞有搬動、運輸、搬移。
動詞 carry; transport; haul; move
1. 搬執行李
carry luggage
2. 搬運貨物
transport goods
3. 搬運彈藥
move ammunition