在周圍的英文 在周圍用英語怎麼說?
about prep.關於;有關;在…各處;圍繞著;在…中各處;對於;為了;涉及;在…方面;在…上顯出
round adj.圓形的;圓柱形的;近似圓形的;近似圓柱形的;球形的;近似球形的;用整數表示的;約整數表示的;率直的;直言不諱的;坦率的;耿直的
around adv.在四周;朝對立面;到處;漫無目的地;無系統地;在各處;在附近;生活在附近;在使用中;大約
常用 重點詞彙
1. 我不清楚。不過我可以在周圍問問。
I’m not sure, but I will ask around.
2. 她任憑那些談話聲在周圍喋喋不休。
She allowed the babble of conversation to wash over her.
3. 僕人們在周圍忙碌著。
Servants hurried around.
4. 學生們成群地站在周圍等待成績。
Students stood around in groups waiting for their results.
5. 在周圍有比較多人的公共場合見面。
Meet in a public place with plenty of other people around.
6. 莎拉駕駛著她的車在周圍兜圈.
Example of sentence Sarah drove her car around the round about.
7. 幾棵翠綠的枝條無規律地長在周圍.
A few green branches reached down a little disorderly at the side.
8. 怎樣在周圍築柵防護, 買還是賣?
How could he put fences round it, buy it and sell it?
9. 孔雀在周圍的草地上昂首闊步。
Peacocks strut in the surrounding meadow.
10. 您把雷達鎖定在周圍的狀況.
You toggled the display of the peripheral vision radar.
About; round; Around