福利的英文 福利用英語怎麼說?
welfare n.健康;幸福;富足;福祉安康;福利;救濟
well-being n.舒適;健康;幸福
benefit n.利益;益處;好處;補助費;救濟金;撫卹金;保險金;義演;義賽
常用 權威
1. 福利金
welfare benefits
2. 福利院
3. 社會福利
social welfare;social welfare
4. 福利開支
welfare spending
5. 兒童福利
child welfare
6. 物質福利
material well-being
7. 福利彩票
welfare lotteries;well-being lottery ticket
8. 福利補貼
welfare allowance
9. 僱員福利
employee welfare
10. 福利基金
welfare fund
11. 福利政策
welfare policy
12. 勞保福利
labour insurance and welfare
13. 福利國家
welfare state
14. 福利設施
welfare facilities
15. 福利經濟學
welfare economics
16. 集體福利
collective welfare
17. 福利社會
welfare society
18. 公共福利
public/general welfare
19. 隱性福利
invisible welfare/benefit
20. 福利分房
welfare housing allocation
1. 美國至少有75個動物福利組織。
There are at least 75 animal welfare organizations in the U.S.
2. 但真正的收穫來自福利和工作實踐。
But the real gains come in benefits and work practices.
3. 英國的福利制度縱容求職者的懶惰。
The British welfare system indulges jobseekers' laziness.
4. 為當地人民提供經濟援助和其他福利。
Provide financial aid and other benefits for local peoples.
5. 我們的關注點應該轉移到社會福利上。
Our focus should be shifted to community welfare.
6. 高GDP但不充分的福利,英國的教訓。
High GDP But Inadequate Well-being, a UK Lesson.
7. 美國人通常高估接受福利救濟的黑人人數。
Americans usually overestimate the number of blacks receiving welfare benefits.
8. 她努力保持健康福利,使她能夠自由地生活。
She fights to keep health benefits that allow her the freedom to live her life.
9. 自2007年以來,美國的經濟福利持續改善。
Since 2007, economic welfare in the U.S. has continued to improve.
10. 當窮人靠福利生活時,對他們的假設變得更加消極。
Assumptions about poor people become even more negative when they live on welfare.
《福利》是2005年吉林人民出版社出版的圖書,作者是英國籍的諾曼·巴里(Norman Barr)。
名詞 welfare; well-being
1. 物質福利
material well-being
2. 社會福利
social welfare
3. 福利制度
benefit/welfare system
4. 福利政策
welfare policy
5. 福利開支
welfare spending
6. 福利金
welfare benefits
7. 福利分房
welfare housing allocation
8. 福利待遇
fringe benefit
9. 福利彩票
welfare lotteries
10. 福利補貼
welfare allowance
11. 為人民謀福利
work for the well-being of the people
12. 關心職工的福利
have the well-being of the staff at heart
動詞 better one's living conditions; benefit
1. 發展經濟,福利人民
boost economic growth and benefit the people