不理解的英文 不理解用英語怎麼說?
incomprehension n.不理解
make little of 沒當回事
常用 重點詞彙
1. 你最好的朋友在給你講笑話,但你卻不理解!
Your best friend is telling you a joke, but you can't catch it!
2. 傑夫是一個聰明的學生,他經常幫助那些不理解他們學業的學生。
Jeff was a clever student and often helped the students who didn't understand their work.
3. 他們對他的表情顯示完全不理解。
They gave him a look of complete incomprehension.
4. 行政部門不理解婦女的難處。
The administration had no conception of women's problems.
5. 男人就是對購物不理解——這不是我們的本性。
Men just don't get shopping — it's not in our DNA.
6. 不理解性沉默。
An uncomprehending silence.
7. 我並不是沒有同情心,但就是不理解你為什麼容忍他。
I'm not being unsympathetic, but I can't see why you put up with him.
8. 我們不理解和平,直到面臨衝突;
We do not understand peace. until faced with conflict.
9. 不理解語法規則就背誦沒有意義。
There is little point in reciting grammatical rules without understanding them.
10. 我又提示他一次,他還是不理解。
I gave him another clue , but he still didn't twig .
incomprehension; make little of