為的英文 為用英語怎麼說?
do v.做;實現;完成;行動;行事;合適的;可接受的;痛打;殺死;起訴;宣告…有罪
act v.行動;做某事;行為;充當;擔任;起作用;見效;扮演角色
act as 充當
serve as 作為, 充當, 擔任
become v.開始變得;適合…穿;變成;成長為;有資格擔任;成為;取得…資格;發生於;臨到…身上;適合
be v.存在;在;舉行;發生;是;就是;說
mean v.指示;表示;意味;意欲;打算;引起;造成;應該做;被要求做;意思是
help v.幫助;援助;資助;救助;給(人)拿;無法避免;忍不住;情不自禁;有益於;對(情況或問題)有幫助
support v.支撐;支援;提供幫助;使能夠起作用;支援(程式;語言;裝置的)執行;鼓勵;維持
defend v.保衛;保護;為…辯護;為(被告)辯護;競賽中保住;選舉中保住;防守
on behalf of 代表
for prep.支援;擁護;關於;對於;在…方面;代表;為了…的利益;以…為目的;以…為原因;以…為目的地;表示;代替;以…為交換;與…預期標準相比;達;計;表示一系列事件之一
for the purpose of 為了…的目的
for the sake of phr.為了;為了...起見;因為...的緣故;為獲得...
because conj.因為;由於
on account of 因為, 由於
to prep.向;朝;往;到;對;跟;與;屬於;附於;歸於;對於;關於;使;比;記入
常用 權威
1. 為善事
do good
2. 為雜誌拍裸照
pose nude for a magazine
3. 為某事傷腦筋
trouble one's mind about sth
4. 為方便起見
for convenience's sake
5. 淪落為乞丐
be reduced to begging
6. 為祖國服務
serve one's motherland
7. 為成功乾杯
drink a toast to success
8. 為家人分憂
share one's family worries
9. 為民眾服務
serve the general populace
10. 為正義而戰
fight for justice
11. 擊掌為號
signal by clapping hands; clap hands as a signal
12. 為使用者著想
be user-oriented
13. 為某人正名
rectify the name of sb
14. 為飢餓所迫
be pressed by hunger
15. 為教堂祝聖
consecrate a church
16. 為簡單起見
for the sake of simplicity
17. 為別人考慮
have consideration for others
18. 少說為妙
least said, soonest mended; the less said, the better
19. 為小提琴裝弦
string a violin
20. 為小事掛氣
get angry over a trifle
1. 它可以為盲人將文字轉變為口語。
It can turn text into spoken words for the blind.
2. 此次活動的目的是為新醫院籌款。
The purpose of this activity is to raise money for a new hospital.
3. 例如,他們可以為我們提供豬肉。
For example, they can provide us with pork.
4. 我們有必要設身處地為父母著想。
It's necessary to put ourselves in parents' shoes.
5. 需要為多樣化線上服務設定規則。
Rules need to be set to diversify online services.
6. 它們為各種背景的人提供了機會。
They afford an opportunity for people from all backgrounds.
7. 手稿是作者為出版而製作的文字。
A manuscript is the text an author produces for publication.
8. 其總面積為10.3萬平方公里。
Its total area is 103 thousand square kilometers.
9. 他們盡全力號召大家為武漢募捐。
They tried their best to call on everyone to raise money for Wuhan.
10. 為他們創造一個理想的學習環境。
Create an ideal study environment for them.
為,漢語一級字,讀作wéi或者wèi,最早見於圖形文字,其本義實為役象以助勞,引申為做、幹,又引申指種植、建造、製作、充當、掌管、當作等,又虛化為介詞,引出動作行為的主動者,表被動,相當於被、比。 (基本資訊欄參考資料:)
動詞 do; act
1. 此乃君子所不為。
It is not the act of a gentleman.
2. 何樂而不為。
Why not go ahead with it?
3. 盡力而為
try one's best
4. 敢做敢為
be decisive and bold in action; act with daring
5. 為善事
do good
動詞 act as; serve as
1. 有詩為證。
A poem testifies to that.
2. 以此為憑。
This will serve as proof.
3. 有效期以一月為限
be effective within the limit of one month; be good for a month
4. 以某人為首的代表團
delegation headed/led by sb
5. 推舉某人為代表
delegate sb (to do sth)
6. 選為廠長
elect sb head of the factory
7. 拜為師傅
be apprenticed to sb
動詞 become
1. 一分為二
divide into two
2. 淪為乞丐
be reduced to begging
3. 淪為奴隸
become a slave
4. 淪為妓女
fall into prostitution
5. 化整為零
break up the whole into parts
6. 化悲痛為力量
turn grief into strength
7. 化為烏有
disappear/vanish into nothing
8. 變沙漠為良田
turn the desert into arable land
9. 變禍為福
turn evils/disasters into blessings
動詞 be; mean
1. 一公里為二華里。
One kilometre is equivalent to two li .
2. 試用期為三個月。
The probation (period) lasts three months.
介詞 [often used with所in a passive sentence]
1. 不為表面現象所迷惑
not be confused by superficial phenomena
2. 不為所動
not be moved (by); rise superior (to)
3. 為人唾棄
be cast aside by the people; be held in contempt
4. 為人民所愛戴
be loved and respected by the people
5. 為情所困
be perplexed by love
6. 為洪水圍困
be besieged by floods
7. 為好奇心所驅使
be prompted by curiosity
助詞 [used in a rhetorical question with何]
1. 何以家為?
What need have I of a home? [usu said during a national crisis]
null詞 [used after a single-character adjective to form an adverb]
1. 廣為流傳
be widely spread
2. 大為不滿
be most displeased
null詞 [used after a single-character adverb for emphasis]
1. 尤為出色
be particularly outstanding
2. 行事極為通情達理
act with the most perfect sense; conduct oneself very sensibly
3. 頗為得意/滿意/慷慨
be very much conceited/contented/generous
4. 極為重要
be extremely important
5. 極為重視
attach great importance (to)
動詞 help; support; defend
介詞 in the interest of; on behalf of; for
介詞 for the purpose of; for the sake of
介詞 because; on account of; for
介詞 to