泥的英文 泥用英語怎麼說?
mud n.泥;爛泥;泥漿;淤泥;(MUD)多使用者網路遊戲;多使用者空間
mire n.泥潭;沼澤;泥沼;淤泥;汙泥;爛泥;困境;泥炭生態系統
plaster n.灰泥;灰漿;墁灰;橡皮膏;熟石膏;石膏粉;燒石膏;膏藥
putty n.油灰;膩子;擦光粉;拋光粉;油灰性狀的物質
bigoted adj.不容異說的;偏執的;執拗的;心地狹窄的
obstinate adj.頑固的;固執的;倔強的;難改變的;難克服的;根深蒂固的
stubborn adj.頑固的;執拗的;倔強的;難移動的;難去除的;難治癒的
常用 權威
1. 魚肉泥
fish paste
2. 泥點兒
mud stains
3. 珊瑚泥
coral mud
4. 泥點子
mud stain
5. 橡膠泥
rubber cement
6. 一攤泥
a mud puddle
7. 泥煤田
8. 泥浴療法
mud bath therapy
9. 抹灰泥
10. 泥坨
lump of mud; clod
11. 糊一層泥
spread a layer of mud
12. 明珠泥埋
a bright pearl buried in mud—fail to bring sb's talents to public notice
13. 沾上泥
be stained with mud
14. 地板上的泥腳印
muddy footprints on the floor
15. 在泥地上留下印跡
leave impressions in the mud
16. 泥地裡的車轍印
tyre tracks in the mud
1. 摩托車開過時澎了她一身泥。
The motor cycle spattered her with mud as it passed. / A passing motor cycle splashed mud on her.
2. 在動手塑造前得把泥潤溼。
Wet the clay before you start to mould it.
3. 燕子窩是用泥和草築成的。
A swallow’s nest is made of earth and grass.
4. 一輛小汽車疾馳而過,濺了他們一身泥。
A car sped/whirled past, spattering mud all over them.
5. 把鞋底上的泥摔打掉。
Beat the dirt off the sole of your shoes.
6. 他朝那輛濺了他一身泥的汽車罵了一連串髒話。
He shouted out a stream of filth at the car that had splashed him all over with mud.
7. 他跺掉鞋上的泥。
He stamped the mud off/from his shoes.
8. 我的鞋上全是泥。
My shoes were covered with mud.
9. 混濁是由於魚把泥給攪起來了。
Cloudiness is caused by the fish stirring up mud.
10. 鄰居們在射泥鴿子時射中了他的眼睛。
He was shot in the eye as neighbours potted clay pigeons.
名詞 mud; mire
1. 我的鞋上全是泥。
My shoes were covered with mud.
名詞 mashed mass
動詞 plaster; putty; cover/daub with plaster
1. 把玻璃的四周泥一泥
fix glass panes into frames with putty; putty glass panes
2. 泥牆
plaster a wall
3. 泥縫兒
cover the cracks/crevices with plaster/putty
形詞 bigoted; obstinate; stubborn