壓力大的英文 壓力大用英語怎麼說?
high pressure 高壓;高氣壓;高度緊張
常用 重點詞彙
1. 壓力大的人可能會感到頭痛、輕微疼痛和睡眠困難。
People under a lot of stress may experience headaches, minor pains and sleeping difficulties.
2. 工作學習壓力大,疲勞的飲食建議?
Working study presses muscularity , does fatigue food suggest?
3. 在那家公司工作給我的感受是壓力大.
I experienced a huge amount of pressure while working for that company.
4. 剛剛畢業心理壓力大嗎?。
Just graduate does psychology press muscularity?
5. 全油壓系統,壓力大,工作效能穩定可靠。
All hydraulic systems, greater pressure stable and reliable performance.
6. 最近工作壓力大,我的皮膚狀況變得好糟哦 !
My skin condition turned very bad as a result pressure from my work recently.
7. 高校招生規模擴大,畢業生增多,就業壓力大。
The enlargement of the number of students and graduates makes employment difficult.
8. 刮刀壓力大,而制卡和會員卡製作膠輥壓力不足.
II , blade - like but cards and card making COTS pressure is low.
9. 中學生學習壓力大、缺乏參加休閒體育活動的時間;
Many factors impact on recreational sports activities of rural middle school students, including active factors and negative factors.
10. 今年,我們小組就出現了壓力大、人手又不足的狀況。
This year, my team has been stressed out and shorthanded a LOT!
high pressure