形勢的英文 形勢用英語怎麼說?

General 更新 2025-03-01



terrain n.地面;地形;地勢;地帶

situation n.處境;情況;情景;狀態;形勢;位置;地點;職位;工作

circumstances n.條件;環境;狀況;境況;境遇;經濟狀況;命運;客觀環境;典禮;(circumstance的複數)

常用 權威



1. 地理形勢

topographical features

2. 看錯形勢

misread the situation

3. 因應形勢

act according to the circumstances

4. 緊跟形勢

keep abreast with the situation

5. 形勢逼人

the situation is pressing; the situation demands immediate action

6. 盤算形勢

size up the situation

7. 政治形勢

political situation/scene; political circumstances

8. 扭轉形勢

turn the situation around

9. 客觀形勢

objective situation

10. 形勢比人強

circumstances are more powerful than people—one has to change due to the change of circumstances

11. 看清形勢

judge the situation correctly

12. 形勢發展

development of the situation

13. 穩定形勢

stabilize the situation

14. 觀察形勢

observe the situation

15. 適應形勢

be adapted to the situation

16. 窺探形勢

send up a kite

17. 經濟形勢

economic situation

18. 天氣形勢預報

weather prognostics

19. 涉及政治形勢

concern the political situation

20. 隨著形勢的發展

as the situation develops


1. Z世代敏銳地意識到嚴峻的經濟形勢

Generation Zs are keenly aware what a tough economic situation is like.

2. 他們覺得自己有足夠的資源來應對這種嚴峻的形勢

They felt like they had the resources to deal with the demanding situation.

3. 這個形勢下只有你能壓住陣腳。

Only you can control the situation now.

4. 國際形勢已發展到極其嚴峻的程度。

The international situation has reached a point of extreme gravity.

5. 看來形勢發展到一觸即發的地步了。

A touch-and-go situation seems to be developing.

6. 部長在講話中談到了國際形勢

The minister touched on the current international affairs in his speech.

7. 形勢所迫,必須馬上採取行動。

The situation calls for prompt action.

8. 形勢不允許我們迴避這個問題。

The circumstances admit of no evasion of the issue.

9. 形勢變化之快我們原未料及。

We did not expect that things would develop so quickly.

10. 形勢突變,他一下亂了手腳。

He was thrown into disarray at the sudden change of the situation.



釋義: (1)指人事上的強弱盛衰之勢。《三國志·吳志·孫權傳》:“是時曹公新得表(劉表)眾,形勢甚盛。” (2)指事物的發展狀況,區別於“形式” (3)指行軍的陣勢。《漢書·藝文志》:有“兵形勢”十一家,雲“形勢者,雷動風舉,後發而先至,離合背向,變化無常。” (4)指國內、國際的時事發展趨勢。



名詞 terrain; topographical features

1. 地理形勢

topographical features

2. 形勢險要

be in a strategic inaccessible position

名詞 situation; circumstances

1. 形勢危急。

The situation is critical.

2. 形勢所迫,必須馬上採取行動。

The situation calls for prompt action.

3. 形勢變化對我們有利。

The table turned in our favour.

4. 形勢對你不利。

The odds are against you.

5. 形勢嚴峻。

The situation is tense.

6. 形勢大好。

The situation is excellent.

7. 形勢不太妙。

The situation is not so good. / Things are not so good. / The picture is not very rosy.

8. 在目前形勢下

in/under the present situation

9. 隨著形勢的發展

as the situation develops

10. 經濟/外交/政治形勢

economic/diplomatic/political situation

11. 國內/國際形勢

domestic/international situation

12. 形勢發展

development of the situation

13. 穩定形勢

stabilize the situation

14. 適應形勢

adapt oneself to the circumstances/situation

15. 認清形勢

get a clear picture of the situation; size up the situation

16. 扭轉形勢

reverse the situation; turn things around; turn the tables

17. 看錯形勢

misread the situation

18. 緩和緊張形勢

ease the tense situation; ease tensions

19. 觀察形勢

observe the situation

20. 關注當前形勢

be concerned about the present/current situation

21. 分析/估計形勢

analyse/assess the situation
