創業的英文 創業用英語怎麼說?
break new ground 新突破;開闢新天地
常用 權威
1. 創業史
history of an undertaking
2. 創業板
growth enterprises board (GEB) (set up by Shenzhen Stock Exchange); growth enterprises market (GEM) (set up by Stock Exchange of Hongkong); second board
3. 創業園
high-tech business incubator
4. 創業者
5. 創業精神
pioneering spirit; enterprising spirit
6. 創業時期
initial building stage
7. 艱苦創業
build an enterprise through hard work/arduous efforts; hew out a career for oneself
8. 二次創業
start a new undertaking
1. 創業團隊通常會經歷三個階段。
Entrepreneurial teams generally progress through three phases.
2. 有時我們會冒職業風險,比如離職或創業。
And sometimes we take career risks, such as leaving a job or starting a business.
3. 一個是在某處找工作,另一個是自己創業。
One is to find a job somewhere and the other to start a business of your own.
4. 因為沒有好奇心,我們將失去創新和創業的精神。
Because without curiosity we will lose the spirit of innovation and entrepreneurship.
5. 25歲以下的人可以全年積累技能、找到工作或創業。
People under 25 could build skills, find a job or start businesses all year round.
6. 他也是一位技術嫻熟、經驗豐富的組織者、創業創新者。
He was also a skilled and sophisticated organizer, an entrepreneurial innovator.
7. 他脫離了家族企業,自行創業。
He left the family business and struck out on his own.
8. 創業難,守業更難。
If it is difficult (for one) to set up a business, it is even more so (for one’s heirs) to keep it up.
9. 他用房產押款創業。
He mortgaged his house in order to start a business.
10. 主要合夥人將提供創業資本。
The senior partner would provide the initial capital.
創業是創業者對自己擁有的資源或透過努力對能夠擁有的資源進行最佳化整合,從而創造出更大經濟或社會價值的過程。 它是一種需要創業者組織經營管理、運用服務、技術、器物作業的思考、推理和判斷的行為。《科學投資》調查研究表明,國內創業者可分為生存型創業者、賺錢型創業者等。
動詞 start an undertaking; start/build a business; do pioneering work; pioneer an enterprise; carve out a career; break new ground
1. 他脫離了家族企業,自行創業。
He left the family business and struck out on his own.
2. 創業容易守業難。
It's easy to open a shop but hard to keep it open. / It's easy to start an undertaking but difficult to sustain it.
3. 創業時期
initial building stage
4. 創業精神
pioneering spirit; enterprising spirit