洩露的英文 洩露用英語怎麼說?
disclose v.洩漏;透露;暴露
leak v.漏;滲漏;漏出;滲入;洩露;有意透露
divulge v.洩漏
常用 權威
1. 洩露機關
let out a scheme
2. 洩露陰謀
tip the plot
3. 洩露意圖
disclose one's hidden purpose
4. 洩露天機
divulge God's design—give way to the carefully-guarded secret
5. 洩露答案
give away the answer
6. 洩露軍機
leak a military secret
7. 洩露使用者隱私
leak users'private information
8. 個人資訊洩露
leakage of personal information
9. 洩露工程細節
divulge details of a project
10. 洩露軍事機密罪
offence of disclosing military secrets
1. 洩露患者資料比出售資料更糟糕。
Leaking patients' data is worse than selling it.
2. 洩露使用者資訊以謀利。
Leak user information for profit.
3. 他很震驚,這個報告竟然會洩露出去。
He was shocked any leakage of the report should have taken place.
4. 秘密已洩露出去了。
The secret is in the open. / The secret has slipped/oozed out.
5. 一份最近洩露出來的內閣檔案。
A recently leaked cabinet paper.
6. 令人焦慮的情況被洩露出來。
Worrying stories leaked out.
7. 洩露天機的不起眼動作。
Small giveaway mannerisms.
8. 被洩露的政府檔案。
A leaked government document.
9. 他在監獄裡的時候無意中對另一個犯人洩露了秘密。
He babbled to another convict while he was in jail.
10. 外交官們僱傭的人當中有很多都向外洩露機密、出賣密碼。
Many of those employed by diplomats betrayed secrets and sold ciphers.
洩露(英文:leak),拼音xiè lòu,漢語詞語。指不應該讓人知道的事情讓人知道了,暴露,顯露。例句有“幹部要嚴格遵守紀律,不能洩露國家機密。” 近義詞有透露,反義詞有保密。
動詞 disclose; leak; divulge
1. 他很震驚,這個報告竟然會洩露出去。
He was shocked any leakage of the report should have taken place.
2. 秘密已洩露出去了。
The secret is in the open. / The secret has slipped/oozed out.
3. 個人資訊洩露
leakage of personal information
4. 洩露使用者隱私
leak users'private information
5. 洩露內幕訊息
disclose/divulge/leak the inside information (to sb)
6. 洩露工程細節
divulge details of a project
7. 洩露秘密
reveal/betray/disclose/leak/let out/divulge/give away a secret
8. 洩露國家機密
disclose/divulge/betray a state secret
9. 洩露答案
give away the answer