更少的英文 更少用英語怎麼說?
much less 更不要說
still less 更別說, 更何況
常用 重點詞彙
1. 新方法意味著更少的人從事農業。
New methods meant that fewer people worked in farming.
2. 即使發生火災,燒燬的樹木也更少。
Even in the event of a fire, fewer trees are consumed.
3. 近期,他們攝入的牛奶更少了。
They consume less milk these days.
4. 當然,這可以導致更少的痛苦。
This, of course, can lead to less pain.
5. 更少的人選擇手寫,更多的人使用鍵盤。
Fewer people choose handwriting and more people use a keyboard.
6. 他們承擔的社會責任更少。
They bear fewer social responsibilities.
7. 使更少的機構參與行動。
Involve fewer agencies in action.
8. 這樣可以節省一些石油,產生更少的二氧化碳。
This can save some oil and produce less CO2.
9. 我們很多人在某個階段都體驗過擁有更少的快樂。
Many of us have experienced, at some stage, the pleasure of possessing less.
10. 這些孩子的身體狀況更好,喝的含糖軟飲料也更少。
These children were physically in better shape and drank fewer sugary soft drinks.
much less; still less