心臟病的英文 心臟病用英語怎麼說?
cardiopathy n.心臟病
heart disease 心臟病
1. 心臟病猝發
have a sudden heart attack
2. 死於心臟病
die from heart attack
3. 風溼性心臟病
rheumatic cardiopathy; rheumatic heart disease
4. 冠狀動脈心臟病
coronary heart disease
5. 高血壓性心臟病
hypertension cardiopathy
6. 貧血性心臟病
cardiac disease due to anaemia
1. 他們也有高血壓和心臟病的風險。
They are at risk for high blood pressure and heart problems, too.
2. 防心臟病和中風將延長預期壽命。
Prevention of heart disease and stroke will increase life expectancy.
3. 喝綠茶能預防心臟病、肥胖症和癌症。
Preventing heart disease, obesity and cancer have all been linked to drinking green tea.
4. 魚中的脂肪被認為有助於預防心臟病。
The fats in fish are thought to help prevent heart disease.
5. 第二天早上,我被告知奶奶因心臟病去世了。
The next morning I was told that Grandma was gone due to a heart disease.
6. 高纖維飲食也與降低心臟病和糖尿病風險有關。
High-fiber diets are also linked to a reduced risk of heart disease and diabetes.
7. 他們提高了公眾對造成心臟病可能原因的認識。
They raised public awareness of the possible causes of heart disease.
8. 如何應對心臟病。
How to deal with a heart disease.
9. 女性容易將心臟病發作的跡象誤認為是壓力的症狀。
Women tend to mistake signs of heart attacks for symptoms of stress.
10. 醫學研究人員開始將心臟病的發作與飲食聯絡起來。
Medical researchers started to link the occurrence of heart disease with diet.