一張的英文 一張用英語怎麼說?
a sheet 一張(薄板、紙張等);一條(床單);一張表格
a sheet of 一張;一片;一紙
sheet n.被單;床單;一張;一大片;繚繩;帆腳索;敞艙船的首尾區域;薄板;薄片;一整版郵票
常用 重點詞彙
1. 一張床
a bed
2. 一張臉
a face
3. 一張席子
a mat
4. 一張球票
a ball game ticket
5. 一張照片
a photograph
6. 一張課表
a school timetable
7. 一張名片
a name card
8. 一張木床
a wooden bed
9. 一張白票
a blank ballot
10. 一張麻將
a mahjong tile
11. 一張門票
an admission ticket
12. 一張課桌
a school desk
13. 一張光碟
an optical disc
14. 一張明信片
a postcard
15. 一張近影
a recent photo
16. 一張砂紙
a sheet of sandpaper
17. 一張借據
an IOU
18. 一張假條
a note for leave
19. 一張弓
a bow
20. 一張烙餅
a pancake
1. 用一張圖片來表達你的中心思想。
Use a picture for your central idea.
2. 我們開始一張一張地重新設計報紙。
We started to redesign the newspapers, one by one.
3. 他在一張紙上寫下了他的電話號碼。
He wrote his phone number on a piece of paper.
4. 有一個漂亮的廚房和一張舒適的床。
There was a nice kitchen and a comfortable bed.
5. 第一張海報是期中考試的說明。
The first poster shows the instructions for a mid-term exam.
6. 他生來就長著一張奇怪的臉。
He was born with a strange-looking face.
7. 我看見桌子上放著一張紙條。
I saw a note lying on the desk.
8. 我17歲的孩子建議送他一張禮品卡。
My 17-year-old suggested giving him a gift card.
9. 然後朱迪在一張白紙上畫了一隻蝴蝶。
Judie painted a butterfly on a piece of white paper.
10. 老人拿出一張10元的鈔票。
The old man took out a 10-yuan bill.
a sheet; a sheet of; sheet