擊中的英文 擊中用英語怎麼說?
hit (a target); score a hit
常用 權威
1. 擊中要害
hit sb's vital point; hit/strike home; hit the nail on the head; make a hit at the nub (of)
2. 擊中痛處
hit sb where it hurts
3. 擊中目標
hit a target;hit the target
4. 射箭擊中
score ten points in archery
5. 擊中十環
hit the bullseye
6. 擊中胸膛
hit sb in the chest
1. 在第一道閃電之前,它擊中了發電站的一座塔。
It hit a tower at the power station before the first flash of lightning.
2. 例如,2009年,一顆美國衛星擊中了一枚俄羅斯舊火箭。
For example, when a U.S. satellite hit an old Russian rocket in 2009.
3. 一位警察被擊中胸部,傷勢危重。
A police officer is critically ill after being shot in the chest.
4. 在擲鏢遊戲中,擊中靶心可得五十分。
In darts, a bull’s-eye scores (you) 50 points.
5. 他很幸運,子彈未擊中他的要害部位。
He was lucky that the bullet hadn’t hit a vital organ.
6. 一顆子彈擊中他的頭部。
A bullet hit him in the head.
7. 他擊中三次,失誤兩次。
He scored three hits and two misses.
8. 火箭擊中目標。
The rocket got its target. / The rocket hit home.
9. 他遠遠地開了一槍,歪打正著擊中了那輛汽車油箱。
He ?red a rifle from far away, which made a lucky hit on the oil tank of that car.
10. 一塊炮彈片差幾英寸就擊中他了。
A piece of shrapnel missed him by inches.
動詞 hit (a target); score a hit
1. 一顆子彈擊中他的頭部。
A bullet hit him in the head.
2. 火箭擊中目標。
The rocket got its target. / The rocket hit home.
3. 失誤多,擊中少
make more misses than hits
4. 射箭擊中
score ten points in archery
5. 兩次擊中,三次未中
two hits and three misses
6. 擊中痛處
hit sb where it hurts
7. 擊中目標
hit a target
8. 擊中臉部
strike/hit sb on the face
9. 擊中靶心
hit the bull's eye; hit the centre of the target