套的英文 套用英語怎麼說?

General 更新 2025-03-08


case n.情形;事例;例項;病例;傷例;個案例;訴訟案;格;盒;套;殼;罩;容器

sheath n.緊貼覆蓋物;避孕套;緊身女裝;鞘;護皮;護套;陰莖套

cover v.蓋;覆蓋;遮蓋;處理;涉及;包括;論及;足以支付;夠支付;掩蓋;掩飾;用槍瞄準;蓋打;轉錄;翻錄;模仿演唱;與…交配

batting n.擊球;棉胎;擊球手

set vt.設定;放;樹立;把…按能力分組;(set的過去式和過去分詞)

suite n.一套;隨員;套房;一套房間;一套傢俱;一組舞曲;組曲;套件;系列礦石

series n.系列;系列劇;連續劇;串聯的;統;系;級數;序列項的總和;有共同特徵的一組語音

convention n.準則;慣例;國際協議;公約;大會;會議;社會習俗;得體行為;約定;政黨代表大會

formula n.公式;方程式;計算式;慣用語句;俗套話;配方;賽車等級;程式;製劑;化學分子式

knot n.結;結瘤;節;濱鷸;結繩的方法;纏結;飾帶;節疤;硬結;硬塊

loop n.環;圈;環狀結構;迴圈過程;迴路;扣;字母的環形部分(如b;會車線;環行路

noose n.絞索;套索;絞刑

harness n.馬具;軛具;吊帶

traces n.蹤跡;微量;痕跡;(trace的複數)

trick n.詭計;花招;騙局;一圈;一墩;嫖客;舵手的一班;技巧;把戲

trap n.陷阱;羅網;捕捉裝置;伏擊;容器;存貯裝置;單馬雙輪輕便馬車;拋靶器;嘴巴;鼓或打擊樂器;暗色巖

ruse n.詭計;計策;(Ruse)地名:魯塞

cover with 覆蓋;蓋上

slip over 在...上滑動;滑落;漫不經心

overlap v.與…互搭;與…重疊;部分地重疊;部分相同;在時間上部分地重疊

interlink v.把…互相連線起來

copy n.仿製品;複製品;複製;副本;本;份;張;原稿;手稿;稿件

lasso n.北美捕牛用的套索

suit n.一套衣服;所有花色相同的一組牌;請求;一副盔甲;一套篷帆;高階管理人員;追求;請願

常用 權威



1. 汽缸套

cylinder jacket

2. 套公式

apply a formula

3. 沙發套

sofa cover

4. 唱片套

(record) sleeve; jacket

5. 椅墊套

cushion cover

6. 陰莖套


7. 球拍套

racket/bat case


1. 這個新村有450住房。

The new village has 450 housing units.

2. 愛麗兒把她的夾克在鳥的頭上,讓它保持冷靜。

Ariel put her jacket over the bird's head to keep it calm.

3. 我得跟老闆套近乎,我想漲工資呢!

I have to keep my boss in a good humour because I need to ask for a rise.

4. 她把雜色布縫綴在一起做了個坐墊

She made a cover of patchwork for the cushion.

5. 我們來設法他的話。

Let’s try to draw/coax the secret out of him.

6. 穿橡皮筋腰帶褲,穿鬆緊腰帶褲。

Pull-on trousers with an elasticated waist.

7. 她威脅要成為在他脖子上的沉重負擔。

She threatened to become a millstone round his neck.

8. 565住房因未付抵押貸款而被收回。

565 Homes were repossessed for non-payment of mortgages.

9. 他把驢子在大車上。

He spanned his donkeys to the cart.

10. 這件毛衣夾克衫穿,可以出席更講究衣著的場合。

The sweater can be worn under a blazer for more dressy events.






名詞 case; sheath; cover

1. 椅墊套

cushion cover

2. 眼鏡套

spectacles/glasses pouch

3. 沙發套

slipcover for a sofa; sofa cover

4. 給傢俱罩個套兒

slipcover a piece of furniture; put a cover over the furniture

動詞 cover with; encase in; slip over

1. 今天早上很冷,你最好套上一件毛衣。

It's cold this morning. You'd better slip on a sweater.

2. 套枕套

put the pillow in the pillowcase

3. 套上工裝褲/罩衣

put on an overall/a dustcoat

4. 套床罩

cover the bed with the bedspread

動詞 overlap; interlink

1. 一環套一環

one ring linked with another; closely linked rings

動詞 cut the thread (of a screw) with a die or tap

名詞 cotton padding/wadding; batting

動詞 pad a quilt or jacket with cotton or silk floss

名詞 set; suite; series

名詞 convention; formula

動詞 model/pattern sth on sth; copy

量詞 [used for books, furniture, rooms, methods, etc] set; suit; suite

名詞 knot; loop; noose

名詞 harness; traces

動詞 harness (a draught animal); hitch up (a draught animal to a cart/plough); lasso

動詞 try to win (sb's friendship, favour, etc)

動詞 coax (a secret) out of/from sb; trap/trick sb into (telling the truth); pump sb about sth

名詞 trick; trap; ruse

動詞 fraudulently purchase; buy up illegally

名詞 [often used in place names] bend of a river or curve in a mountain range

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