換的英文 換用英語怎麼說?
exchange n.交換;互換;調換;交易所;兌換;匯兌;商品交易所;交談;交易系統;爭論
barter v.以…做易貨貿易;以…作為交換
trade n.貿易;交易;生意;職業;行業;手藝;信風;貿易風;同業;同仁
change v.更改;改變;改換;更衣;轉車;變色;轉成新月相;轉成新月;換
substitute n.代替者;代替物;替補隊員;情感替代者;副職
convert v.使…轉變;改變;以…得分;轉換;改變宗教信仰;說服…改變信仰;使皈依;兌換;對…作換算
常用 權威
1. 換臥具
change the bedding
2. 換外帶
change the tyre
3. 換髮球
change of service
4. 換筆芯
change the lead
5. 換頻道
change channels
6. 換色帶
change a ribbon
7. 換一個說法
in other words
8. 自動換梭織機
automatic shuttle-changing loom
9. 換機油週期
machine oil change intervals
10. 人心換人心
a true/sincere heart will win the trust of others
11. 給孩子換尿不溼
change the baby's nappy
12. 與某人換某物
trade sth with sb
1. 如果不好,下次我會換一種方式完成它。
If it is no good, I'll do it differently next time.
2. 然後他想換一頭長髮。
Then he wanted a change to long hair.
3. 換工作永遠不晚。
It is never too late to change your job.
4. 我的圓珠筆沒油了,必須換芯了。
My ball pen is dead and has to be refilled.
5. 你得換換腦筋了,不然就落伍了。
You’ve got to change your way of thinking, or you’ll get behind the times.
6. 長江後浪推前浪,世上新人換舊人。
As the Yangtze River surges on wave upon wave, so the new generation replaces the old.
7. 幫忙換一下錢好嗎?店主沒有零錢找。
Would you please break this big note for me? The shop keeper doesn’t have the change.
8. 衛兵每隔一段時間換一次崗。
The guard is relieved at intervals.
9. 他在人民廣場下車,又換了一趟公交車。
He dropped off at the People’s Square and changed to a bus.
10. 從那時起我便換了一個人。
Since then, I have been a different person.
動詞 exchange; barter; trade
1. 與某人換某物
trade sth with sb
2. 用糧食換石油
exchange/barter grain for oil
3. 以物換物
barter one thing for another
動詞 change; substitute
1. 他想到鄉下去走走,換換環境。
He plans to go down to the country for a change (of scene).
2. 換衣服
change one's clothes
3. 換乘汽車
change buses
動詞 convert
1. 把人民幣換成美元
convert Renminbi into US dollars