長期的英文 長期用英語怎麼說?

General 更新 2025-03-23



long period of time; long term/range

常用 權威



1. 長期戰

protracted war/warfare

2. 長期性

protracted nature

3. 生長期

growth/growing period

4. 長期效應

long-term effect

5. 長期收入

permanent income

6. 長期發展

long-run development

7. 長期預測

long-term forecast

8. 長期共存

long-term coexistence

9. 長期演進

long-term evolution (LTE)

10. 長期票據

long bill

11. 長期增長

grow over the long run

12. 長期奮鬥

age-long struggle

13. 長期措施

long-range measure

14. 長期貿易

long-term trade

15. 長期資產

long-term assets

16. 長期讀者

regular reader

17. 長期規劃

long-range planning; long-term planning/projection/programme/plan

18. 長期投資

long-term/long-range/permanent investment

19. 長期信貸

long-term credit

20. 長期行為

far-sighted measure


1. 小學對他來說是一場長期的噩夢。

Primary school had been a long nightmare (噩夢) for him.

2. 有機農業的長期前景還有待探索。

The long-term prospects of organic farming are yet to be explored.

3. 美國印第安人與外界的長期隔絕。

The long-time isolation of American Indians from the outside world.

4. 他們長期研究趨勢或客戶滿意度。

They study trends or customer satisfaction over a long period.

5. 這是一本不會長期保密的書。

This is a book that won't stay secret for long.

6. 現在,有10億人長期捱餓。

Right now, a billion people are chronically hungry.

7. 它們的合法性長期以來一直存在爭議。

Their legitimacy has long been in dispute.

8. 然而,也很難長期保持密碼本的秘密。

However, it is also hard to keep a code book secret for long.

9. 工黨長期以來一直反對公共部門的工會。

Labor Party has long been fighting against public-sector unions.

10. 它們長期以來被用作藥物。

They have long been used as medicine.



名詞 long period of time; long term/range

1. 這一職位是長期的嗎?

Is the new post a permanency?

2. 長期以來

for a long time; for quite some time; over a long period of time

3. 做長期打算

take a long view; make a long-term plan

4. 做長期安排

make a long-standing/long-term arrangement

5. 長期政策

long-range/long-term policy

6. 長期爭論

dispute of long standing

7. 長期增長

grow over the long run

8. 長期願望

long-cherished desire/wish

9. 長期預測

long-term/long-run forecast

10. 長期效應

long-term effect

11. 長期習慣

habit of long standing

12. 長期穩定

long-term stability

13. 長期收入

permanent income

14. 長期失業

chronic unemployment

15. 長期趨勢

secular trend

16. 長期目標

long-term goal/aim; long-range objective

17. 長期虧損

run at a loss for years

18. 長期競爭

long-standing rivalry

19. 長期堅持對外開放政策

adhere to the policy of opening to the outside world for a long time to come; commit to a long-term policy of opening to the outside world

20. 長期合同/合作

long-term contract/cooperation

21. 長期關係

relation of long standing

22. 長期奮鬥

age-long struggle

23. 長期發展

long-run development

24. 長期鬥爭

protracted/prolonged struggle

25. 長期訂單/協定

standing order/agreement

26. 長期措施

long-range measure

27. 長期存在的問題

long-standing problem/issue; chronic problem

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