簡短的英文 簡短用英語怎麼說?
brief adj.短暫的;短時間的;簡潔的;簡明的;短的;短而暴露的
short adj.短的;短暫的;簡短的;短母音的;簡慢的;粗暴無禮的;機率大的;鬆脆的;短促的;不足的
常用 權威
1. 簡短扼要
be short and concise
2. 做簡短陳述
make a brief statement
3. 致簡短的歡迎詞
make a short welcoming speech
4. 做簡短的解釋
go into a brief explanation
1. 最近,我開始寫簡短的學習日記。
Recently I've started keeping a small study diary.
2. 他的演講很簡短,但都切中要害。
His speech was short, but all to the point.
3. 文章要簡短、可讀和令人振奮。
Articles were to be short, readable and uplifting.
4. 佛教僧侶進行簡短的佈道並吟誦祈福禱文。
Buddhist priests offer a short sermon and recite prayers of blessing.
5. 你旁邊座位上的小男孩正在哼一首簡短的廣告歌曲。
The little boy on the seat next to you is humming (哼唱) a short commercial song.
6. 到那時,我才意識到我應該把自己的(演講)寫得更簡短清晰。
By then, I realized I should have made mine shorter and clearer.
7. 簡短的演講過後,斯科特的名字被點到了,且只有他一人被點到。
After brief speeches, Scott's name was called, only Scott's name.
8. 諺語是一個簡短的,眾所周知的說法,表達了一個共同的真理或信仰。
A proverb is a short, well-known saying that expresses a common truth or belief.
9. 每章前面都有一段簡短的前言。
Each chapter is prefaced/preceded by a short introduction.
10. 她簡短地回答了我的問題。
She responded briefly to my questions.
詞目:簡短 拼音:jiǎn duǎn 注音:ㄐㄧㄢˇ ㄉㄨㄢˇ 英文:brief
形詞 brief; short
1. 她簡短地回答了我的問題。
She responded briefly to my questions.
2. 做簡短的解釋
go into a brief explanation
3. 做簡短陳述
make a brief statement
4. 致簡短的歡迎詞
make a short welcoming speech
5. 簡短扼要
be short and concise
6. 簡短的答覆/評論/宣告
terse reply/comment/statement
7. 簡短的報道/描述/敘述
brief report/description/account