做筆記的英文 做筆記用英語怎麼說?
General 更新 2025-03-08
to make notes
常用 重點詞彙
1. 她總是坐在教室的後面,看書或做筆記。
She always sat at the back of the classroom, reading or taking notes.
2. 勞倫女士讓學生們做筆記。
Ms. Lauren has asked the students to put down notes.
3. 更糟糕的是,他在會議期間忘了做筆記。
Even worse, he forgot to take notes during the meeting.
4. 第一組用手做筆記。
The first group took notes by hand.
5. 早年,弗萊明喜歡在此處做筆記。
Fleming liked to take notes in it.
6. 這樣,學生就可以邊聽邊做筆記。
This allows students to make notes while they listen.
7. 學生們在書頁四周空白處做筆記。
The students made notes in the margins of the book.
8. 下劃線,畫圓圈,在旁邊做
Underline, circle, makemargin notes
9. 這也會泡麵試官做筆記或批註。
It also gives the interviewer something to take notes on.
10. 我通常一邊讀書,一邊做筆記.
I usually make notes in the book as I read.
to make notes