收起的英文 收起用英語怎麼說?
cut out 熄火, 停止不前
stop v.結束;停止;填塞;處於;表現;停下來;阻擋;總是;中止
常用 權威
1. 收起翅膀
fold wings
2. 秋收起義
the Autumn Harvest Uprising (an armed uprising led by Mao Zedong in 1927 in the Hunan-Jiangxi border region, which marked the Chinese Communist Party's independent building of a revolutionary army)
3. 收起笑容
shut off one's smile
4. 收起謊言
stop lying
5. 收起雨傘
close an umbrella
6. 收起舷梯
draw the gangplank in
1. 我們應該收起智慧手機,多鍛鍊身體。
We are supposed to put away smart phones and take more exercise instead.
2. 收起你的智慧手機,每天至少閱讀30分鐘!
Put away your smartphones, and read for at least 30 minutes, every day!
3. 烏鴉收起翅膀向兀鷲猛撲過去。
The crow folded its wings and dive-bombed the vulture.
4. 她匆忙去掉夾子收起了已清洗的衣物。
She hastily unpegged her washing.
5. 我感到有幾滴雨,所以我收起了雨傘。
I felt a few spots of rain so I put my umbrella up.
6. 我不得不收起自尊,向父親告貸.
I had to pocket my pride and ask my father for a loan.
7. 以每次10度,分三次收起襟翼。
Retract flaps by 10 degrees each time.
8. 然後呼氣,收起骨盆,下巴彎曲。
And then exhale, tuck the pelvis, round the chin.
9. 她慢慢降下來,並收起她的翅膀。
She came gently down and folded her wings.
10. 我應收起我的高傲,我罪有應得。
I should hide my pride, and i deserved.
動詞 pack/pick up
1. 收起雨傘
close an umbrella
2. 收起翅膀
fold wings
動詞 cut out; stop
1. 收起你那一套騙人的把戲!
No more of your cheating!
2. 收起你的鬼把戲!
None of your tricks!
3. 收起謊言
stop lying