通告的英文 通告用英語怎麼說?
announce v.宣告;宣稱;廣播;通報(客人的)到達;通知(宴會)開始
public notice 公開通知;公告;公示
announcement n.宣告;通告;佈告;啟事;通知
circular adj.圓形的;環形的;因包含待證假設因而是謬誤的;迴圈論證的;供流傳的;迴圈的;環繞一圈的
常用 權威
1. 特此通告
notice is hereby given (that)
2. 官方通告
official announcement
3. 張貼通告
put up a notice;post a notice
4. 謹此通告
it is hereby announced that
5. 廣播一則通告
broadcast an announcement
1. 門上的通告說圖書館已關閉。
The notice on the door said that the library was closed.
2. 佈告欄裡貼著一張通告。
There is a notice on the bulletin/notice board.
3. 明天的《晨報》將刊出通告
An announcement is appearing in the Morning Post tomorrow.
4. 一則被認為試圖打亂對手陣腳的通告。
An announcement regarded as an attempt to wrong-foot the opposition.
5. 那個通告立刻得到了兒童保育機構的歡迎。
The announcement received an immediate welcome from childcare agencies.
6. 特此通告:傍晚七點有樂隊現場伴奏的晚會。
7 p.m. party with live band t.b.a.
7. 歐洲議會決議的通告。
The announcement of the decision of the European Parliament.
8. 我看到了圖書館廣告藝術課的通告。
I saw a notice in the library advertising art classes.
9. 手機則更多用來通告緊急資訊。
Mobile phones are more for adding last-minute information.
10. 賽百威資料首選的通告您的方法是?
What is your preferred notification method for Cyberway announcements?
通告是適用於在一定範圍內公佈應當遵守或者周知事項的周知性公文。出自老舍《 四世同堂》。
動詞 give public notice; announce
1. 謹此通告
it is hereby announced that
名詞 public notice; announcement; circular
1. 門上的通告說圖書館已關閉。
The notice on the door said that the library was closed.
2. 佈告欄裡貼著一張通告。
There is a notice on the bulletin/notice board.
3. 官方通告
official announcement
4. 張貼通告
put up a notice
5. 廣播一則通告
broadcast an announcement
6. 釋出有關防火的通告
issue a circular on fire prevention