糧食的英文 糧食用英語怎麼說?
grain n.小麥;穀粒;紋路;紋理;性格;天性;胭脂蟲;胭脂蟲紅;晶粒
cereals n.穀物;穀類食品;穀類;(cereal的複數)
常用 權威
1. 糧食局
grain bureau
2. 糟蹋糧食
waste grain
3. 人產糧食
per-person grain yield
4. 糧食配給
grain ration
5. 曬糧食
dry grain in the sun
6. 糧食產區
bread basket; grain-producing area
7. 糧食庫存
grain stocks
8. 糧食徵購
grain purchase by the state
9. 糧食產量
grain yield/output/production
10. 糧食囤
grain bin
11. 國家糧食局
State Administration of Grain (SAG)
12. 庫存糧食
grain in stock
13. 晾曬糧食
sun the grain;dry grain in the sun
14. 堅壁糧食
hide grain from the enemy
15. 作踐糧食
waste grain
16. 種植糧食
grow grain
17. 消耗糧食
consume grain
18. 糧食加工
grain processing
19. 糧食總需求量
total demand for food
20. 糧食供給
food supply
1. 世界糧食安全逐漸變得支離破碎。
The world's food security falls to pieces.
2. 快速崛起成為糧食生產大國。
Quick rise to become a leading grain producer.
3. 有機農業可能被用來解決全球糧食問題。
Organic farming may be exploited to solve the global food problem.
4. 每個人都應該節約糧食以減少食物浪費。
Everyone should save food to reduce food waste.
5. 他認為這是解決當前糧食危機的唯一途徑。
He thinks it the only way out of the current food crisis.
6. 作者對英國糧食自給自足的態度令人懷疑。
The author's attitude to food self-sufficiency in the UK is doubtful.
7. 20世紀下半葉,糧食價格大幅上漲數倍。
During the second half of the 20th century, grain prices rose dramatically several times.
8. 它(印尼推行的扶貧專案)能夠增加糧食產量。
It can boost grain production.
9. 今年美國糧食收成的四分之一將用於燃料汽車。
A fourth of this year's U. S. grain harvest will go to fuel cars.
10. 與此同時,糧食生產因缺少科學研究而受到限制。
Simultaneously, food production has been constrained by a lack of scientific research.
糧食(grain foodstuffs cereals)指烹飪食品中作為主食的各種植物種子總稱,也可概括稱為“穀物”。糧食有基本是屬於禾本科植物,所含營養物質主要為糖類,其次是蛋白質。糧食包括麥類(小麥,大麥,青稞,黑麥,燕麥)、粗糧類(玉米,高粱,蕎麥,穀子、小米,黍)和稻穀類(粳稻,秈稻,糯稻,陸稻,深水稻)三大類。
名詞 grain; cereals; food (provisions)
1. 糧食充足。
Provisions are plentiful.
2. 國家的糧食收購部門
government's grain procurement/purchasing agency
3. 糧食最低保護價
bottom-line protection price for grain
4. 糧食合同收購價格
contract price for purchasing grain
5. 糧食合同訂購制
contract system for grain purchase
6. 糧食購銷價格體制改革
reform of the system for determining the prices at which the state purchases and sells grain
7. 解決糧食問題
solve the problem of grain
8. 種植糧食
grow grain
9. 消耗糧食
consume grain
10. 買/賣糧食
buy/sell grain
11. 晾曬糧食
dry grain in the sun
12. 進口/出口糧食
import/export grain
13. 節約糧食
save on food
14. 供應/加工/生產糧食
supply/process/produce grain
15. 打糧食
thresh grain; produce grain
16. 儲存/貯藏糧食
store grain
17. 愛惜/浪費糧食
treasure/waste grain/food