吃完的英文 吃完用英語怎麼說?
mop up 擦乾;吸取(利潤等);做掃尾工作
1. 他愉快地吃完飯,再也沒有在餐桌上生氣。
He happily finished his dinner and never got angry at dinner table again .
2. 在中國,在別人吃完飯之前,人們不能抽菸。
In China, people cannot smoke before other people finish eating.
3. 不要浪費食物——你應該把盤子裡的食物吃完
Don't waste food your should eat up the food on the plate.
4. 匆匆吃完早餐,我們就踏上了去孤兒院的漫長旅程。
After a quick breakfast, we set out on our long journey to the orphanage.
5. 吃完飯他們跟著就工作起來。
They set to work immediately after the meal.
6. 他一吃完飯就結賬離開了。
As soon as he had finished his meal, he settled up and left.
7. 老人吃完晚飯就去繞彎兒。
The old man goes for a walk immediately after supper.
8. 吃完飯趕火車還趕得及。
We still have the time to catch the train if we have our meal first.
9. 吃完晚飯後過來聊聊。
Come over to my place after supper for a chat.
10. 我通常吃完飯就瞌睡。
I often feel sleepy after a meal.