保持不變的英文 保持不變用英語怎麼說?
hold the line 堅持下去;不屈服壓力
常用 重點詞彙
1. 近年來,這一數字基本保持不變。
That number has stayed about the same in recent years.
2. 某些工作在自動化後仍將保持不變。
Certain jobs will remain intact after automation.
3. 它的風格基本上保持不變。
Its style has remained largely unchanged.
4. 理由變了,對更多樹木的渴望保持不變。
The justifications change, the desire for more trees remains constant.
5. 我的訓練強度保持不變,但我不斷地感到飢餓並且體重下降。
My training intensity remains the same, but I'm constantly hungry and dropping weight.
6. 在未來的十年裡情況將基本保持不變。
Things will remain substantially the same over the next ten years.
7. 鬥爭情形保持不變。
The condition of struggle remained a constant.
8. 1985年,這個數字保持不變。
In 1985, the number remained the same.
9. 其核心自打其出現一直保持不變.
At its core, the blues has remained the same since its inception.
10. 速度保持不變,仍然是v1和。
The speeds remain the same v2 v1 and this is v2.
hold the line; remain unchanged